Records Newsletter #1
is a newsletter about underground metal from the Philippines,
thrash, black, death and affiliates. Contrary to
the usual newsletters I saw the last years, it doesn't
contain reviews or interviews but only news (So one
could say it is something like a "real newsletter"). It
contains quite detailed infos about what happened and
will happen for local bands, with for example Paganfire,
Pathogen, Incisor, Interment, Demonic and others; As
well as the activity around LIFESPAN Records (which
released mostly philipinese bands). It's composed
of a two sided A4 page, with compact text. Apparently
it was published in 2010, and I'm not sure if it's still
released (The editor seems to focus on his band), but
I know it's nice to read such kind of underground paper
to learn more about your local underground.
Ser Edward R. Natividad, Maulawin Street Green Village
Subd., Sta. Cruz, Laguna 4009, Philippines.