fanzine using this kind of name surely deals with...
Folk music praising the Scandinavian Mythology? (You
know, Thor riding the winds with his iron hammer..). But
no, I'm wrong. Too much sea-boredom and useless sand-winds
probably altered my perceptions. What you have here
is a new zine from the new wave of retro "Metal
with two big balls" cut'n paste paper publicators
who slowly invade the underground. As you probably guessed,
the styles to be featured are thrash, heavy, Death,
black, without any trace of modernity, and Metal is
the only law here. Now, let's put our crooked noses
deeper in the content of this poseur-bowel molestor
issue one: For a first issue there's quite a lot of
content: The interviews are long enough (Generally at
least 15 questions, at best almost 30) and the content
is quite like a relaxed cool maniac, who didn't forget
to feel, or never forgets his metal will... There are
quite a lot of enthusiastic reviews. Now, there's
kinda the same problem than some other "retro as
fuck/ old school as possible" current "new"
fanzines, it seems the editors are too positive and
their reviews really praises some bands while it's nothing
skull breaking or particularly bitch-defenestrating.
Sometimes it seems they're happy as long as it's old
styled metal with a real metal atmosphere... I can understand
that, but a little bit more criticism and analysis would
be welcome... It might naturally come with the 2nd or
3rd issue, or when they will need to inject strange
stuffs in their daily beers (So that it will always
work with the same effect Ah Ah). To conclude, this
fanzine might please the maniacs who like the enthusiasm
from the current retro/ old school Metal wave. Those
who do not really like METAL that much might look anywhere
else for more safety, because the reading of these lines
might let them sometimes feel "They arent metal
enough, so they might as well be dead"... For those
who have no problem with older "close minded"
meanings of Metal, it could be a cool (Sold out! Argh)
Evil angel, Exorcism, Ruins, Atomic roar, Metalucifer,
Iron bonehead recs, Infernal death, Baphomet's blood,
Marius "Jeff" Greza, Banrain 10, 73660 Urbach,
GERMANY. Email: ironhammer@arcor.de