begin a fanzine about vinyl recordings, on a bestial
musical background, isn't a bad idea... But I can't
say I was positively surprised with this first chapter
of HELLSOUND! The big problem lies in the fact the English
of the writer is bad! This couldn't be so bad when the
editor only asks questions... but in this case the guy
also translated most of the bands' answers with the
crushing weapon of his bad English! And let me tell
you it's quite hard to understand it... I even happen
to wonder if he used the cheap- google- translator or
not... Since most of the questioned bands are French
while there's only a single foreign band (ABOMINATOR),
the whole looks quite "disastrous". Keep in
mind it's always possible to write an issue in your
mother language (especially when most of interviewed
bands are French...) The zine is focused on raw black
metal and black/ death or war metal... I regret the
concept of the "Vynil cult fanzine" didn't
go much far than few simple questions about this format,
and reviews of vinyls... It would have been possible
(and really better) to ask quite lengthy questions about
the love for Lps, how the stuffs are made, kept in good
conditions, and to write articles about various vinyl
subjects... Conclusion: What you have are (almost
only) quite short and simple interviews in bad English,
reviews that lack of deepness and opinions, and a very
superficial "Vinyl concept". Nothing enough
to make of this first issue anything else than another
very average fanzine... Who would be quite satisfied
with this, nowadays, while many webzines do much better
for free? I have real doubts... More guts, feeling and
ideas are needed!! c/o Yohan Marchand, Rue Talon,