very underground label usually focused on tapes and
CDr of weird and noisy strange black metal bands or
old school thrashing beer metal assaults has decided
to begin its work on paper. Instead of a fanzine,
I prefer to call this first issue a newsletter, because
it's really short. It contains two interviews with
MALVEILLANCE and BONE AWL, with enough questions, eventhough
I'd prefer the interviewer to dig deeper in the graves
of the victims, to extract more cerebral pulp and madness. In
these inties, you could learn for exemple the guy behind
MALVEILLANCE (Crust black metal) likes old styled "rock'n
roll" like Elvis Presley, The Kinks or Richie Valens...
quite surprising. héhé I would like HBC to display
more of their taste for the thrashing madness in futures
issues, because I'm generally not a fan of fukked up
noisy black metal. If you happen to get this newsletter
for free, or against the postal cost, you'll get two
A5 pages and two A2 pages (or the equal of 12 x A5 pages,
the whole isn't folded an usual way, doesn't work bad)
that looks quite old styled and cut'n paste. It seems
the second issue will turn into a real zine (or at least
something bigger), because the appearance of reviews
is announced. Fukked up black metallers should keep
a black eye in there.
K. Folsom, 3944 rue sainte-émilie, Montréal, QC, H4C 2A1, Canada