- DEMOS - OLD STUFFS - FANZINES - GIGS -------------------------------------------------------------------------

This is a fanzine from Germany that looks quite different from the usual
underground zines : The A5 pages are printed on quite heavy paper of a good
quality, and the (Computer made) layout occurs to be quite "original"
somewhere between the dark , quite experimental and the more hand-made-alike
But the content is all written in German, so I won't be able to say much more
than: The interviews and reviews seem to be long enough to contain something
that could be interesting.
The styles of music navigate between the seas of doom, black metal, old school
death, and few genres to be close...
Now the content seems to embrace something of the current wave of "occult
black/ death", "ritualistic metal ov death" (However you call
it), this isn't something I'm particularly fond of, some of these bands can
instantaneously bore me with their music (And attitude).
That's all for today's session of scribomancy; To learn more about the
(Apocalyptic) future don't forget to plug your cryptoscanners in the
underground caves.
Interviews: Ignivomous, Nethilith, Manipulator, Head of the demon, Ramesses,
Email: Frombeyondipp(a)
