take so much space it's incredible. It could fulfill
your bedroom as it hides everywhere: Under your table,
all around your computer, under your bed, over your
bed, inside of your bed... You could even go to bed
with a beautiful zine, and wake up with an ugly one
under arms... Well, do you really have a sexual life
with zines? Ah Ah. In the absence of sexual activity,
we should talk about zine-reading activity with this
new publication coming from USA. At the first approach,
the layout and first couple of pages gave me the impression
of a fuck-zine à la DEFIANCE OF GOTHIC NIRVANA, but
it fastly turns into regular zineview and the content
isn't aggressive, it's much more a kind of relaxed fanzine... The
first interviews aren't too long, questions are short
and answers aren't much longer, hopefully it turns better
with the next ones of BURNING WITCH, BLOOD CEREMONY,
PENTAGRAM or COUNT RAVEN... It's still not reading extasy,
but it's longer... The questions would need more thought
to explore more penetrating landscapes. The visual
aspect takes a bit of everything: Some cut'n paste,
some totally computer made, a bit of shred'n glue...
Globally it's not hard to read expect for one or two
interviews. I didn't see reviews, instead you have
flyers (Old and new), some "sickness" related
newspaper cuts and few silly drawings. So ENDTIMES
is a relaxed underground fanzine that reminds me of
the fan-zines you could see years before the internet,
it's not ambitious at all but contains some quite cool
moments. .. With a bit more of depths and work it could
turn into something nice as a quite psychedelic bubblegum
for those into old metal or rather doomyfying stuffs...
But I'm not sure if this zine will go on, because my
letter came back with something like "Wrong adress"
printed on the enveloppe...