zine has nothing to do with music, but the DIY nature
of the whole kinda justifies its presence on my untrue
webzine... It contains mostly drawings and comics, with
an humoristic state of mind. Since the editor apparently
doesn't like very much his current job of seller in
a little shop, you can find all kind of anecdotes and
personal opinions about (for example) what this old
lady did at this moment and what the seller really wanted
to answer, to kick her slimee ass... The drawings aren't
well polished, it sometimes looks quite raw, but it
kinda suits the tone and some illustrations keep a cool
sense of the forms so that it looks cool... Well, nothing
essential, but it's nice to receive this kind of A5
way-of-expression in a package, when the free time is
begging for activities ;-) There aren't many more
zines of this kind nowadays, many peoples forgot to
draw and prefer the web, the clicks, and the cyber "friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiendswhodon'tgiveafuck"...
This issue is pretty old, I'm not sure if it's still
available, but there's no contact address anyway. I
only know it was released by "Messy ass Sean McEleny