little annoyed with the arrogance of some coprophiliac
elite? Let's talk about a zine to change our minds. It
might sometimes be astonishing how miss Heury and miss
Teury go well hand in hand, but it's another cannibal
matter, so we'll visit South America one more time to
have a few hours of vacations in the Demon's jail! This
cage of love might not seem so demonic once you know
some of the owner's musical projects (Quite neat techno
thrash), but don't judge a jail only by a musical face
of the owner, the underground skin pages of this issue
indeed contain quite some sickness and rotting perversion. I
have to point this fuckzine has improved since the first
issue; There's more content, the articles are longer
and vomiting more (s)expression from your frustrated
overloaded black genitals; Ok, it's not the absolute
soup of viral genesis yet, but there are enough jumping
viruses between the words to keep it interesting. The
lay out is quite cool, computer-made like some SHRUNKEN
& MUMMIFIED but with more necro appeal that could
look like some REPUGNANT cover, and touches of photoshoping
fun somewhere between FOEDUS AETERNUS zine (Fra) or
RLYEH (Fra) (Might not be as alive though). Now you
could always tickle the Russian roulette of Damocles
concerning the bands' choices, because this outfit is
not overloaded enough in putrid crepitation for your
permanently decomposing needs and that group might not
zigzag enough between the very depths and utter ups
of thrashing high & low's energetic electrification,
but vibrating for my own tastes I would simply
say there's too much of black metal. Now, some geeky
scientist "Pasteur inheritors" might underline
this zine isn't very different from many underground
zining affairs, maybe I might pong the burning missile,
but the editor tries to write some funny articles ("Weird
letters" sums up the cum resulting from surprising
letter) or to insert some opinions and jokes from time
to time. Quite a lot of reviews are included, sometimes
I might want it to be more critical with a bit more
ass-burning analysis or bearcare-punching words, but
maybe I should restrain a little the morbid flow of
thoughts since comparing a quite good zine to an imaginary
unrealistic funzining perfection would automatically
lead you to reading disappointment. Yes, this zine is
quite good, not perfect, but it contains enough rotten
necro-testosterone attributes and livid diversity to
please the eyes of maniacs who like their underground
ugly, with a rotten goat penis under the nose. The editor
likes to trade and seems honest with this matter, so
get in touch for more underground soap-port. Hum, ok,
you want a sexy outroduction? "Sodomize the broken
ass bone at full force! Super sonic bang bang! Ah Ah!"
Manthra, Mobilizer, Paganfire, Deep vein, Witchcurse,
Death invoker, Terror strike, Bestial holocaust, Unaussprechlichen
Marcelo, Casilla 1560, Correos de Chile, Sucursal Mall
Plaza, Antofagasta, CHILE. Email: Demonsjailzine(a)hotmail.com