here is a new (t)issue of D.O.G.N, the small zine that
doesn't give a shit and apparently doesn't give a shit
about not giving a shit. This time it doesn't take
the form of a small A5 zine, but almost looks like a
real zine... With some all-orange paper to make the
feel more... Radioactive? The content follows what
the headitor already pustulated before: Music, movies,
zines, and other stuffs' reviews... Stuffs that come
from the underground, 2nd hand shop, or directly from
the sewer... Plus you can feel the penis intrusion of
some inties (With Ben Meyer from Nasty Savage, The Frankenhookers). The
tone is the same than before... It seems he still likes
to confuse or fuck up the readers with claims à la "Divide
by zero", but not only...Somewhere it also tastes
like old punk'n core opinion zines... I might be right
because the headitor seems to have a punk background
(And also plays in a punk band). This is a zine that
might please those who like underground state of mind
with a punk side, and kinda open-minded (but not open-bottomed!
Hu??) musical tastes... Not sure what "Not- underground"
peoples would think of it... The sexy incestuous
drawing on the cover makes this issue a real jewel in
your rancid underwears collection. Then, I guess
the conclusion of D.O.G.N's editor could be "Trade
or be traded, nigger". c/o Nocturnal productions,
P.O. Box 771142, St. Louis, MO 63177, USA. Email:
E-mails are too out-dated, now you use instant telepathy!