know the shortest jokes are the best, at least some
punky brewster worshippers seem to think so... But since
we aren't Jurassic flies preserved in jars of formaldehyde,
here's more dinausorus bullshit for your anti-hermetic
needs! One more review of "The zines I can't understand"!
(Forced skeleton claps of pity) This time the "zyn"
is again written in the brain tormenting polish tongue,
but for strange reasons I had to find it online... Yes,
I had to download a zip file to write a review of a
paper zine, strange... I didn't receive much cool paper
zines lately (Is there a decrease? Or am I asleep?)
and I feel like this review is amputated from some life... Anyway,
even if the name of the zine could evoke something like
"Pure death metal zine" or "Only black
metal is real", the content is quite varied as
you can find various kinds of metal such as Death, black
or thrash... I can't really say if it's particularly
old school since I don't know most of the bands, but
at least it doesn't seem too close to the modern anal
waves of the genres and mostly focuses on unknown "andegraundowy"
(Polish word for "Underground") bands. The
interviews aren't too long, but neither very short:
The interest will depend on the flavor of questions
and answers, but I can't talk about it. There are also
some reviews, and what seems to be some short biographies
(Or is it more reviews?). The 52 x A4 pages were computer
lay-outed, with Winword, Openoffice or another software
(Who cares?), it looks clear but not too fancy... Some
juicy improvements could be nice at the corner of some
pages to give more necro reading-appeal to the whole. The
zine seems to come with a tape compilation, but since
I only have the cover as a jpeg file I can't say more
about it. That's all funks, you now have a detailed
proof of existence for Deathcicism zine, if you want
to know more about the content you could try to use
the services of a polish lady or buy a dictionary...
Trup sandwicz. c/o Marek Szymanski, Ul Poznanska
23b/3, 11400 KETRZYN, POLAND. Email: Deathicism(a)wp.pl