try to sum it up. Csaba is an older (30+?) fan of Extreme
music who doesn't receive many promos, but rather focuses
the content of his paper zine on his own researches
and underground orders. So, this state of mind fits
much more the content of a FAN-ZINE than anything else,
now in 2008, when promos can fulfill a fanzine from
the ass-bone to the skull (Ah! No promotional space
is here for you, you societies of shit who pervert the
underground and try to gain some cash or bankablism
from our little caves of madness!!). It's a nice pleasure
to know the editor choose the bands he interviewed,
and he actually choose it according to his tastes (Ok,
tastes could always be discussed... But Funk you! (Yes,
funk, this word might be more provocative than "fuck"
in a Death metal zine lol) We aren't here for psychology,
and the editor doesn't seem to be too influenced by
the worst sheep-influenced waters of the underground)
and so these interviews are cool to read... It's obviously
personalized, quite varied... Cool. Especially since
it's basically a Death metal zine! Ah. There are
also quite a lot of reviews in this issue (There were
none in the first one), but the English isn't perfect,
so I have to switch my mind on the "adaptation"
level (Even if we don't reach a second or first degree
of "Perfectible englishism"... It remains
drinkable). Since it's a FAN-ZINE, you won't get all
the last new stuffs released the last 3 months, but
since it's an underground zine, there will be demos
and other stuffs you might not know, including some
cool stuffs. It isn't cut'n paste, but Ok-computer-done. I'll
conclude with: DEADLY ILLNESS is a cool underground
Death metal zine that was made without bloody claims,
but with enough coolness. It's worth the read for those
who don't like it too retro, too necro, too brutal,
or too ("Insert the next underground trend here"),
but just like it cool and feeling targeted.
Abominat, Death breath, Lie in ruins, Obskure torture,
Diskord, Excoriate, Gorephilia, Hatespawn, Catalepsy,
Crucifist, Aanal Beehemoth...
Poller Csaba, Budapest 1183, Nimrod u.73, HUNGARY.