of eternity is already haunting the morbid caves of
Death metal since five years and released this fourth
issue at the end of macabre year 2010. If you have
followed some of his necrotic paper releases, you probably
noticed the size of cadaveric-compost-rendering increased
to now reach 96 pages, an amount of pages to strictly
focus on old school Death metal, necro Death metal,
old styled obscure brutality... This is really a specialized
zine and those who dig strict musical closemindedness
towards the morbid should be quite pleased and recadaverizing
in laughter. I like the fact the editor says, in
the editorial, we should be careful with new old school
Death bands and shouldn't blindly worship anything apparently
morbid because he feels a Death metal trend is going
to explode, and so some bands with not so pure ambitions
will appear... I have a bit of doubts with some outfits
featured in this issue, but it was good that he expressed
what torments his skull. The reviews are quite honest
and descriptive, he gives the opinion of a death-metaller
the old school way. Sometimes I would like to be mentally
punched by deeper thoughts and a bit more of analysis,
but maybe there's not enough space in a zine to write
1 page long reviews (And maybe I'm cutting the goat
hair in four pieces). The interviews are serious
and personalized, so those who would need to learn more
about a band, the Death metal way, could be interested.
(I need to say questions and answers should be more
clearly separated). The lay-out of the zine is strict,
and the font makes it look quite ancient. If you're
into old school Death, an underground way, pile dusty
obscure demos and can't live without feasting on the
ugly analogic emanations, you could surely rejoice a
morbid way with the undead pages of CRYPTS OF ETERNITY.
Personally I would like to feel a bit more of craziness
or read few questions from another world, to redynamize
my necrotic attention, but you can't always get the
butter, the bottom and the worship of the goat. The
enormous pile of cadavers also called "earth"
keeps rolling.
Deteriorot, Anatomia, Vasaeleth, Coffin texts, Necrovorous,
Grave miasma, Shub niggurath, Demonic rage, Disma, Infinitum
obscure, Imprecation, Cardiac arrest, Ominous crucifix,
Stench of decay, Nocturnal vomit, Cruciamentum, Father
Crypts of Eternity, P.O. Box 25, Lima 41, PERU. Email: