already saw some drawings of Nagawika in the French
paper zine "Le moignon"; Now he's back with
an underground comic that deals with metal... No, no
industry, no factory, no industrial music, we're talking
about metal with big guitars and (sometimes) hairy balls...
Target 80's, hard rock, heavy metal, big tits, big beers,
big bears (sometimes) and you'll be closer to this story
of the Belgian metal band ACID. On a visual point
of view, this isn't the same style I kinda enjoyed in
his previous drawings, it's more simple (Sometimes too
much), but after a bit of care you notice some nice
things such as the expression of faces (That work nicely)...
Sometimes, I might say the style could be a bit like
Gotlib meets old (early?) Bilal, but these are only
2 elements from the floral variety that lives in the
carnivorous flower pot... Maybe he was also influenced
by the French "mag" Psychopath (lol) or some
manga? I don't know, I almost left the comics world
years ago, it was too tiring to listen music with the
eyes... Now, you also need to read about the story:
This is a journey of the band ACID that travels to finally
play in a festival, and you can see the usual elements
that compose the life of a band... The story is nice,
typical music world stuffs... The drawing edge is a
bit too simple, but this last point might make it easily
readable (Than heavy loaded pages with too many details
everywhere) and globally the whole is easy to follow. This
first strike of the new UG (Are we Indians?) comics
publisher "Satanicats comics" isn't ground
breaking, but quite welcome, and it might entertain
(beer?) metallers or fans of underground publications. To
get a copy, stick your cunt on an envelope and send
it to: http://pagesperso-orange.fr/thomas.bernollin/