This sunday there was an hour of electric power cut, I spent some time browsing
3 paper zines for more contacts, in the hunt for snail mail addresses. There
was almost none; Neither for the paper zines... Is this because almost no one
sends letters anymore (I'm not thinking about packages, but real letters) or
everyone became too paranoid to show his home address? (Perhaps Google knows
the answer...)
TESTAMENT is not a new fanzine, but since it's located in Peru and the content
is Spanish written, probably things made it harder to get in touch and exchange
items (And maybe there was no emergency to read a fanzine in an unknown
The styles of metal are quite old school, there's no über modern genres,
neither ultra old school necro suffocation. You find some death, black, thrash
and other cemetery neighbors.
The interviews are of reasonable/ usual length for most, while some are longer
(Bones, Denial of god, Forgotten tomb, Chaos inception...) and there's a bigger
one of PHLEBOTOMIZED in the middle. There are also reviews.
The layout is computer made, some pages look quite cool, while for a few the
background is a bit too present (Yet you're still able to read). The zine also
contains a poster (Mx/ Forgotten tomb) and a DVD with 34 metal videos).
There are some adverts here and there, but hopefully nothing from
"underground major" labels (I see enough bullshit merchandising stickered
on the CDs in music supermarkets).
I initially felt the zine was perhaps a bit small in size (There are 36 x A4
pages, but with no waste of space at all) until I remembered the economic
situation in Peru, weighted the zine, and found it probably falls just under
100 grams everything included (Zine + DVD + poster + envelope). This is
probably an optimization of metallic weight to avoid any rape at the post
office (To multiply the postage by 666 for only 3 pages isn't probably a good
This was my describing review. READ MORE ZINES IF YOU HAVE EYES.
Interviews: Phlebotomized, Denial of god, Mx, Shining, Forgotten tomb, Chaos
inception, Pandemonium, Alfahanne, De silence et d'ombre, Nechochwen, Sacrilegious
impalement, Bones, Fervent hate.
Email: testamentmag(a)gmail.com