LIVE THE LOUD mini zine #1, 2, 3
LIVE THE LOUD is a mini zine focused on old school metal,
in the initial meaning of the words: Heavy metal, thrash
metal, black metal, death metal. The editor says
it's done without pretention and for passion, it's what
you see. The tone is relaxed and there's some kind of
devotion towards old metal. The layout is cut and
past, looks like old zines. Each issue contains
16 x A5 pages with one interview and some reviews (New
albums, demo of the month, classic albums, live report).
It’s written in French. I received 3 issues, first
one has an interview of TRIUMPHANT, second one an intie
of MIST, and third has ORATOR.
Plastic bag clickers,
don't send your deathcore dildos, it won't be reviewed.