I know my review won't be too passionating since this fanzine is all
written in Spanish, and I don't speak this language, but it's worth to spell a
couple of (Not so) bloody words about it.
Because this fanzine is really focused on underground music, and it's a fucking
big and fat one with a lot of text to read (You could even shot down your modem
and forget the web... No more written/ Ebook porno-romance, Hu).
This is composed almost exclusively of interviews, mostly with bands I don't
know, but it seems to be mostly in the grindcore/ gore/ brutal stuff, with a
bit of death and black metal.
Long interviews packed with a lot of questions, in a decent computer-made
124 fucking pages with questions and answers about blasting extreme music.
Is it what you want? Then write here: secadincho(a)hotmail.com
Interviews: Korpse, Gorgosaur, Amputee stillborn molester, Postmortem
neurofetish bionecrosis, Meat cunts, Wargoatcult, Justin dismemberlake, Blu2
death, Putrid carcass, Needle contaminated pork, Sisters of suffocation...