My conclusion comes first: This is a globally cool old school heavy metal zine.
The following sentence is perhaps quite cliché, or old sounding, but it remains
true: The first approach can be misleading.
My first approach with this fanzine wasn't too positive... First a very laconic
hand-written editorial, then an interview with short answers, and then some
black photos with childish drawings in the margins... That was enough, and I
put the zine back in its envelope for a while...
Then I was probably in need for more metallic reading, took the pages again...
And it turned out to be much better... There are indeed some quite long, more
personalized, and cool interviews with some old school heavy metal bands that
talk enough to make you travel enough in their world or in their mind. Those of
IRON DOGS, IRON KOBRA and BLACK VIRGIN are great and show the interviews are
the main force of this fanzine.
Unfortunately you can find some ups and not so bright aspects... Some drawings
in the margins are very nice, while some are childish. There's some waste of
space. There are a handful of reviews and it's mostly short.
To be more descriptive again, the layout is often composed of computer texts
with drawings in the margins, and flyers or stuffs pasted here and there. It
globally remains clear enough. Total: 56 x A5 pages written in English.
This fanzine contains some good qualities, but unfortunately the editor might
sometimes be subject to laziness, or a fuck off state of mind, that dilutes the
qualities of the whole (It's mostly in the first pages, those you see first
Fans of old school heavy metal, or also thrash, might like this zine, if they
are not too serious and don't mind some younger state of mind here & there.
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/EOAKFanzine