Yep cousin
Gabby, everything is cool in my immense apartment in the middle
of Lille that was financed by the sales of my zine… given for free.
Champomy flows endlessly and there’s so much coke that my kitchen
lacks of salad dishes, I had to borrow one from my alcoholic neighbor.
2. IN EXTREMIS it’s a spurting being released on paper format since few years, under different forms being more or less close to the newsletter, or the fanzine, depending on the epoch… I won’t ask you a detailed summary of this shit (AhAh), but all in all how many issues did you do ? (Including the changes of counting, the un-numbered issues, the special editions), what’s the average spread, and the bigger one? Which issue is the best in your eyes? 36 issues were
released. There weren’t really changes of counting according to
my remembrances, but only more or less experimental formats at an
epoch, just to feel though… Or maybe I mixed everything, but skipping
an issue wasn’t volunteer.
3. Something surprising with IN EXTREMIS is the amount of reviews you come up with on a bi or trimentrual (Do not really remember) manner. I say to myself you should receive a big amount of promos… But there might as well be CDs you bought, traded, downloaded, or tape traded? Which ways of supply do you prefer? Does it take you a lot of time to finish a review, how many time to do you need to listen to a recording before throwing the mashed potatoes? (Never? Ah Ah ?p ; just kidding)… Did you find a tip to decompress space time once you’re enclosed in your castle to maximize the impregnation and rendering in putridity? Sex, there’s
nothing better to relax héhé! No, in fact I release
a new issue every two months, even if this time things will be a
bit slower coz I was away for two weeks. So two months for about
60 reviews makes about a review per day, it’s not a sea to drink.
To be honest, some days I have absolutely no time to devote to the
zine, so I make nothing… And other days inspiration flows as turbulent
seas from my flaccid brain, and if I have the time I can write 4
or 5 things in a day. 4. Since you regularly release new issues and have built a little distribution network, IN EXTREMIS little by little becomes quite famous in the underground… It’s good, but when it can be stronger it’s better! So, what are the side effects and collateral damages of IN EXTREMIS niouzletter’s continuation? Did you receive love letters, surprising packages filled with vaginal hairs or bones from some pygmy hippopotamus ? Was your postal box hacked by promo stealers? And did you find enough free fellatio opportunities during the concerts in Lille (It’s numerous (The gigs) so it should make it héhé… For interested women : Does the Jean Pazola contain anymore juice ? Ah Ah) Letters and
emails from readers are quite rare in my case, it’s rather requests
to get old issues (And then the guys say a little encouraging word),
or then it’s reviews published in other zines. So, when it happens
it makes you even more happy, I won’t hide it.
5. What should a band do to be reviewed in IN EXTREMIS? (You’ll notice this comes just after the fellatio question, it’s not innocent AhAh). Do you prefer some formats in particular, or is it good to stick in your hears as long as there is sound? Which kinds of music do you currently dig? Oh it’s simple,
they just need to send me their last release, CD, vynil, or tape,
everything from the pork is good. But please, no emails like «
Go on our mysplash page »! Lately, and as always, I’m listening
a bit of everything, with a preference for things around the black
metal and death metal styles.
6. Do you think one day you’ll release again a bigger, A4 sized zine, to be really close to a big fanzine ? (The perfect thing to kick without leaving evidences !) Since this format has a tendency to come back (At least I see more newcomers) it could be possible… You could even associate with another zine-maker to make the project even more possible? And so, why doing everything by yourself? In fact the Jean Pazola seemed to be a rather sociable animal, would it hide an intransigent dictator refusing any compromise ? Oh this is
true, why doing everything all alone ? I never thought about it.
It’s most probably for the same reason than you, I prefer to do
everything from A to Z and not start getting in blabbers with other
peoples who wouldn’t respect the deadlines or whose motivation would
fade away after only 6 months.
7. How are
you doing the design of the niouzletter? On Pc with Photoshop and
Winword, or by hand with HUH glue (Not Uh Uh !), cissors and old
« Chasing and fishing in France » magazines ? Are you
rather manual or cybernetic at this level ? I know that for comics,
the whole is done at a different size (About 1,5 times bigger) and
then diminished… The result contains thinner lines… It could be
quite good for metal zines, what do you think of it ? I’m first working
on my Pc with word or something equal, I do a very clean layout
with columns, trying to put as much as possible in the corners.
And once everything is printed (Or sometimes done little by little
as the pages are filled) I use the cissors/ glue armada and turn
the whole mess into something a bit more old school. I personally
prefer to read this kind of zines, so I also take quite a lot of
pleasure when making it… Even if I’d like, as said above, insert
more illustrations and strange things.
8. What is the usual day of Jean Pazola like? Can you describe it a quite detailed way ? Is he allowed listening to music at work, and what kind of job is he doing ? (Whitout entering obscene details). Is the Jean Pazola turning into a strange sanguinary beast once he crossed the portal of his macabre dwelling place ? I imagine his house looks like a big hangar in which the walls would be piles of thousands of CDs and tapes… Wake up at
7, preparation of my athletic body, clearing of my legendary hairs,
teeth brushing to dispel the breath of jackal that uses the opportunity
of sleep to invades the caves, and let’s go at work. +++
1664 +++ 1664 +++ 1664 +++ 1664 +++ 1664 +++ 1664
+++ 9. Before being a spurting on paper format, IN EXTREMIS was also a radioshow, since quite some time as it seems you were already polluting the waves before 1998… Can you talk back about it for the metallers who might not have known? How many shows did you do all in all… And why did you stop? No enough listeners anymore, change of director, or miss Pazola was fed up with spending here nights all alone in front of the chimney ? And why the « In extremis » name, are you rather unorganized and the head in the clouds so that you always remember things at the very last minute, or is there a more serious reason ? (Don’t tell me « Because I might have become a father, but escaped my dick just before the crucial moment… » I wouldn’t believe it… You dirty Chti!) Exactly, In
extremis was before all a radioshow from April 1998 to September
2007 : Nine years, and something like a bit more than 400 weekly
shows of about 2-3 hours, depending on the moment. I stopped because
the pleasure wasn’t the same during the last years. Habits, lack
of listeners, I left the thing coming, I didn’t decide on a rush,
but the pressures due to the ones responsible of radio Rbm accelerated
the thing. So, it was time to leave it rest. At the beginning I
tried to set up a show again in Lille, trying to find a nice spot,
on a more serious radio station. All I was offered consisted in
shitty schedules, something like Wednesday between 12 AM and 1 PM,
every two weeks (Rcv radio), it’s quite envying isn’t it? Or it
was Pastel Fm but I would have to convert to Islam and grow my beard…
Or on Campus who already had quite a lot of shows of the same kind,
but then it was less interesting. Finally, when I think back about
it, I say to myself nothing is missed.
10. Can you tell us a little anecdote about IN EXTREMIS, something funny, a quite swinging thingy that would pleasantly occupy the minds of those who are bored at work… Or isn’t there anymore at all ?… Snif… Don’t screw us, I know you’re full of crispy little cakes… Héhé, I can eventually tell you more about the ceasing of the radio show : In fact we were always 5-6 friends to meet every Thursday in the rooms of the radio. At the beginning it was quite wise, and if quickly turned to weekly drinking sessions. Each took his pack of beer, and so the more the show move forward the more it became nonsense, with technical problems, serial gabbling, beast screams as background noise, etc. But at the end of august, after the summer vacations of 2007, we were so happy to get back together that we drunk a bit more than usual. And then… drama!! In fact we had taken the habit of pissing in the streets from the window at the first floor, when the night had fallen… Since there were no water closets in this fucking radio… But one of the guys was so full of alcohol (I guess who it was!) that he pissed before the window, everywhere in the room (Or his cock was too small?). Of course, we were all drunk and didn’t see it, so the following day when the big-boss came, it kinda looked like a mess… With the trash can full of cadavers… Verdict : No more show for 3 months, But well, as I told you it happened when my motivation totally volatilized. So, stop, I gave back the keys. That’s all father, you know everything… Will I be purged from my sins?
11. Question of a reader: Will there be fewer black metal in the next issues of IN EXTREMIS? Spikes are nice, but we have eaten enough… Ah, it’s the recurrent problem for some readers. Black metallers think there’s never enough, while the allergics find there’s too much. Personally speaking, I wouldn’t count the amount of reviews of each genre, I speak about what comes in my hands, that’s all. Open your minds dudes, listening to various kinds of music isn’t blasphemous infidelity, and I remain convinced I’m still very much into metal after all these years because of the very varied kinds of sub-styles it offers…
11b. Question of a feminine reader : Why isn’t there any photo of the Jean Pazola in IN EXTREMIS newsletter ? Is this animal too sensible to flash lights ? My goals are passionate, I don’t need to be known/ recognized. There are already the posing bands, I find it ridiculous, so I won’t begin the same game myself. I once thought about showing my cock on the cover, but the zine « La legion underground » took the idea before. And in this case peoples could have recognized me!
11c. Question of Sas de la bitumière: I want to order a full advertising page on the cover of the next IN EXTREMIS issue, what are your prices ? Since a little
bit of time, it’s true some adverts are inserted, but never more
than an A5 page… It really helps me to xerox the 350 copies each
time, and also to cover the postage costs.
11d. Question of Mr Skow: When Jean Pazola was a child, did he dream of becoming a pizza maker? No, rather a professional footballer, mister. But I had to face the truth: During a cycle in the local sporting club from Fouquières, I never made a goal. I own two left feet.
12. If you didn’t find this interview deep or detailed enough, I leave you this free space so that you could maximize the philosophical, informative or technical percentage (This could eventually be the merchandising question… But please, don’t evoke your list of transvestite clothes, neither your collection of slippers in wool of Turkish pig… We are serious peoples!) Don’t be afraid, it was a pleasure to answer, especially since I did it in several parts to lower the anal deformities. Well, I have no philosophical reflection right now, so it’s time for the promotion, so those who have read this interview until the end can receive an issue of In extremis whenever it’s released, just again some stamp... Each older issue could also be yours for the same price… And you could also subscribe sending as many stamps as issues. stamps (Notice it was basically for French peoples… Not sure for foreigners/ Gab)Héhé, I think everything is said now.
13. What are the future plans of IN EXTREMIS? Maybe my lord Jeannot de la Pazzoyöle wants to reactivate his radiophonic pulsions through a webradio? Are there unexpected things in work, or will you keep on following your unrestrained rhythm a comfortable way? You can conclude, it’s finished, the doors are closing, we’ll have to go… No particular
projects in mind, releasing few more issues of In extremis would
already be correct. And as I told you before, my radiophonic fiber
isn’t blasting anymore, so I definitely put an end on that. Who
knows, maybe I’ll do a fucking hellish radioshow with Pascal Berthon
the day we’ll meet in hell, I even don’t imagine how it would be
(According his taste for drinking). Thanx for this space of expression
in your webzone, I want to remind that I began my fanzining activities
in part thanx to you (… Or because of you), through the Hertzcorrupt
website that pushed me in this adventure… Later amigo!