1. Hello! What's new with Black Bleeding? The beer barrels are full? Balmuzette : The beer stocks are full but this isn't new. For us beer remains an essential element of "rock'n roll" in the wide meaning. The new thing is, our new super beautiful CD "A bright future" that took us 5 years to spawn. This is not an exceptional duration for us. We take the time it needs, we have no career objective. And even if we grow older, the fury doesn't diminish.
2. Your last album is entitled "A bright future", can you introduce this record in few words? Is there a link between the title and the current crisis that still refuses to leave us alone? As well as for many things with Black bleeding, there is first degree, but also a lot of 2nd degree. "A Bright Future" isn't basically a concept album, but the passing time with its many facets is a recurring theme: Its worrying sides, including the crisis you talk about, our death that slowly but surely comes closer and leads us to realize the value of time (It becomes more and more precious as we grow older). The fact that in our 40's, we still feel like a band of teens, only with more experience ("older fatter balder" becomes "Older faster bolder"). This said, we only bring lines of thought, each one will draw his own conclusions and whatever he wants. We are not moralists. Beware: As I already said, there's a lot of 2nd degree in this answer!!
3. What could you say the readers to convince them throwing an hear (Or more) on this album? Do you send back, after use, the body parts that were attached with the payments, or do you keep a part of it? (Bottoms and tits... We never know, it might find some use Ah Ah) In this album
you can find quite an amount of "traditional" ingredients,
but also big differences concerning the clichés, very varied influences.
So it is both classical and totally atypical. This is an album where
fans of brutality could find their happiness, but it surely doesn't
sound like 1000 others. Many bands lost of energy and efficiency
as they wanted to be so fast and/ or complicated... We didn't fall
in this trap! 4. Contrary
to many of the bands that embrace a genre close to black metal,
and play quite a lot with the sociopathic, claustrophobic or misanthropic
vibe, the music of Black Bleeding makes the listener happy (Or at
least your energy isn't so negative...). It should be
the reflection of your personality: When some incorrigible epicurean
jokers play extreme metal, this is the result. We didn't plan anything
in advance: We played what we loved, with the sound and the atmosphere
we like, and this is the result.
5. When I listen to the style of your drummer, Balmuzette, I have the feeling I'm listening to some "Battles in the north", some "Reek of putrefaction", some "Suomi Finland perkele", with tom rolls à la Dave Lombardo... Can he quote the names of the drummers and albums that were the most influential on his playing? The old ones
of Carcass and Slayer (At the time of Lombardo) are some of my favorite
ones: Alex has problems to understand the fact I prefer Lombardo
to Bostaph, but it's the same than for Animal in Motorhead, he's
the one who played on the forerunning tracks, the really innovative
ones, those that made the band a legend. 6. If Black bleeding was a meal based on potatoes, which would it be? (On the one hand, when it's dense enough mashed potatoes can be heavy or even crushing (For the stomach), on the other hand all that is French fries is baked in a very hot bath of oil (To plunge a human body in oil could procure a quite infernal feeling)). Would you rather choose the crushing, or the torture with boiling oil? (This question isn't totally innocent, a part of the band is located in Belgium...) We would be
for the "Pommes dauphines" (Ed: Potato croquettes... In
French it translates word for word as "Dolphin apples")
because the dolphin is a gracious and intelligent animal, that evokes
the beauty of mermaids and the freshness of naïve TV series that
came before Goldorak. Concerning the apple, it is a round and juicy
fruit, with various bright lively colors. Apple juice, in addition
to its many vitamins, is an excellent antiseptic.
7. If Black bleeding was a "tool", which would it be and why? (Maybe the hammer of Thor or the Shovel of Nicolas the gardener (French TV presenter)?) The hammer of Thor, because I'm not familiar with Nicolas the gardener.
8. When you listen back to the albums of Black bleeding, what do you think about it? What are the recordings you are the most proud of? I rarely listen
to my previous recordings. Because, if listening to the music I
love gives me some kind of rejoicing, listening to myself can procure
a strange feeling of masturbation. Each new recording seems to be
better than the previous one, and that is good! 9. Why in hell is the bleeding black, and not green or yellow? It's funny,
last week my brother asked me the same question: Why do you keep
such kind of name? With your boundless imagination, you could find
much better!
10. I have
the feeling we always traded each other's releases: We want to
avoid as many constraints as possible. It this is only to exchange
our freedom against more visibility, more cash and some kind of
rise in the "hierarchy", the answer is no.
11. Those
who still spend some time in the record shops, watching the CDs
and the "promo" stickers (What an amount of bullshit we
can read, Mr. Century media...) could have for example learnt Satan
has the most "evil" riffs because it was stolen to Vader...
Well, I might
be subject to the syndrom of "This was better before",
but the more Rock'n'roll loses his subversive side and enrolls in
the logic of capitalism, the more it loses its soul. 12. Years ago, some of you were playing in the grindcore band Disjonctor. Can you tell us a bit of its history? Is it totally dead and buried, or a temporary exhumation, the time of a few blasts in public, wouldn't be totally excluded? Disjonctor
was a destroy grindo-theatrical concept whose basic principle was
the following: During gigs, we should always be drunk, so, to avoid
bad surprises we should also be drunk during rehearsals. The two
hours preceding rehearsals only resided in getting high, then, when
it was done, we could only begin. It gave birth to tons of improbable
and hilarious stories. Just an example: During each rehearsal our
bassist was fired, but he always came back to the next one because
he had forgotten about it.
13. I think you also had a more heavy metal parallel project, Iron Maiden covers of something like that... Is it still relevant? I played in Moonchild, an Iron Maiden cover band that still exists, but I unfortunately had to leave because of becoming a father. At the time, I was multiplying the bands, the experiences, replacements... But then my children took quite a lot of time, so, instead of playing in five bands half-time, I only kept Black Bleeding. Well, ok, now my children are at school, I have begun a new project anyway (Varied rock, and a bit stoner, it's called Van Jex).
14. What will come for Black Bleeding in a close future? You can unpack the list of merchandising if necessary. Thanks for the answers. As already
said before, but it's no evil to remind it, we have our new CD.
It's available during our gigs, on Bandcamp, or directly sending
me an email at balmuzette(at)wanadoo.Fr.
page: https://blackbleeding.bandcamp.com |