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heard a new track of BIRTH DECLINE an it's better than their previous
demo "Post nuclear reign". It seems like they've prepared
a cool Brutal death demo entitled "Biomechanoid deathstrike".
Here's a short interview that dates back to a few months and
was supposed to be included in another zine, but shit happens.... 1. This is the classical question : introduce your band to our virtual readers ! We created BIRTH DECLINE in the year 2000. From the basic line-up Johann (guitar), Necropope (drums-vox) and me (bass-vox) ase still in the band. A little lates, Manu (guitar) joined in. In 2001 we recorded our first demo-cd "Post Nuclear Reign". in the same year, Kevin (vox) completes the line-up.
2. Why did you choose BIRTH DECLINE as band’s name and what does it mean for you? It makes me think about some old BRUTAL TRUTH’s tracks titles, am I right ? We didn't know how to name the band; so we made a listing of all our Favourite albums, for exemple "butchered at birth" of Cannibal Corpse And "Sign of the decline" of Massacra. This name conjures up deshumanisation for us.
3. Your band is quite new to me. Could you give us some infos… How long did you play together, did you play in other bands before ? Actually, the BirthDecline project is quite new and we all play in other bands That are older. Me and Johann play in a trash/death band since 1996. Necropope is a musical multi-talent and multiplies several solo projects and bands For many years now. In manuís case, itíd his first band†. Kevin has been a Vocalist in a hardcore band before.
4. I can feel in your music their is not only an Extreme/ Brutal Death feeling, Some riffs may sound a bit more like heavy metal riffings, with some Brutal like drums behind the thing. Tell us more about it, how would you name your musical style ? We are influenced by many metal styles. For example the 80's thrash scene, With bands like Nuclear Assault, Overkill, Coroner, Testament. But also the 90's death scene. Thatís probably why you can find this little "old school" touch in our songs. I think that we can be classified as a Brutal Death band. 5. You could also make me think about the INHUMATE of the « Grind you Soul » demo + first album, For some riffs, some vocals (maybe) and for some tracks titles. Is this comparison correct ? Do you enjoy this french band ? I heard from inhumate but did never listen to their albums. But considening their reputation, this comparison seems quite flattening to me.
6. Your CD cover is very cool ! For some reasons (the colour used mostly, and maybe an apocalyptic side) it reminds me of BRUTAL TRUTH’s first CD. Tell us more about it ! The cd cover was painted by johann, our guitar player. He is very giffed and it is a real advantage for us to have a painter in our band. The design artwork has Been done by necropope, specially the photomontage in a patchwork style that Rewinds the first Brutal Truth album. We wanted to do something grotesque And humoristic by putting our face on completly deformed beby bodies.
7. What are your musical inluences? Are you listening to metal only or are you attracted, do you interest yourself to some other musical styles? And if this isn't the case, tell us why! We listen to various styles of music, which goes from thrash to grind and also Includes Joe Dassin, 70ís disco and Les Musclés. The drummer is quite into punk And also played jazz electro funk. Manu likes everything technical like power Metal, in the real guitar hero style.
8. Give me your views about the UG scene. How do you see it in 10 years ? How do you see yourself in 10 years (musically and personally) ? I think that the underground scene is more and more active. Real quality bands Are legions and it will be more and more difficult to distinguish on them.
9. What do you think about the French Extreme Underground ? Did some French bands kicked yer ass recently ? The french scene beginns to be well know beyond our frontiers which is very cool. I recently saw on stage Drowning, an excellent band, Fate, quite good too. I think also Gronibard, Gurkhass and Erektion (a band from Rouen) kick ass as well.
10. Which song shall be played on your burial? Only "Une bonne carotte dans le cul" by Les musclés. (French Tk-joke band - Gab)
11. Have you got other musical projects We almost all play in other bands, Necropope is in Angmar, Asylum Phenomena, Sickbag and Drangsalymir. Johann and me in Wargus and i play in Alienation, A hardcore band and i do the vox in sickbag.
12. This last one is yours, tell us more about your future projects… And finally add what you want ! We open the show for Scarve on september 14th in Reims. We will have our new cd recorded before the end of the year. (This demo is out now - Gab) Thanks to all who suported us.
Website: http://birthdecline.free.fr/