1. Hello Shipboy ! Since the time for introduction has came, I let you publicly shout out the introducing speech to the audience lying on the floor of this public place! Hailz to you, and to the whole assembly of insatiable zombies. First of all, I want to thank you for this interview. Today I’ll be the pestiferous herald, to speak in the name of OSSUAIRE. 2. How would you exactly describe the music of OSSUAIRE? And what are your main influences? Crass, mould, violence, stink… The few ingredients essential for our structure. The research for an efficient death metal, without pretention, with macabre and rotting emanations. I prefer to leave the listeners the care of giving an « exact definition ». 3. In 2005 you have released your first demo as a MCD. It was limited to 50 copies, and so it was fast sold out. What were the feedbacks ? The reactions of compulsive beer vomitors? Were you reviewed? For a first demo, I think the feedbacks were encouraging. We got few reviews in webzines and fanzines, and a track was featured on the compilation of a friend who runs a fanzine. You know, it needed a lot of work and patience because we really didn’t know anything of the recording process… Hopefully, Nick, a great friend, took care of everything, and he totally supported us all along the recording. He did a super work. We all lacked of sleep, listening, and listening again for hours, that’s why these positive feedbacks motivated us a lot to continue spreading our stench. 4. Why was this demo limited? Maybe because it was pro-printed? You told me that a new pressing was scheduled to remedy escape the out-of-stock condition… Tell us more about it… In fact, we all did it ourselves for the pressing of the first 50 demos… I remember that few hours before a gig in Toulouse, Groms (guitar) arrived with the lay-outs and we all began folding, pasting very fast while others were buring the CD-r… We absolutely needed these demos for the gig because it had just been recorded. So, that’s when I asked the help of a close friend who’s in this business since a long time, and he offered me to take care of another 100 demos press, but this time in a professional manner… We didn’t hesitate.
5. The listening of your demo awakes in me a sympathetic thought: I think your music couldn’t be appreciated by those who do not have this ancient and obscure infernal death metal feeling deep inside of them, because your music isn’t over-produced, over-dubbed in the studio, over-played, over-constructed… The style is quite ancient, and I think that only those who have a specific feeling could understand the deliria. What do you think of it? We are totally conscious about the fact OSSUAIRE isn’t necessarily destined to ultra technical death metal fans, with a perfect production that doesn’t ooze… The compositions are coming from our guts and from the passion for this music some of us are listening since more than 15 years. As I said, we are really more searching for efficiency than complexity, because we’re convinced many of the savage beasts coming to our gigs or listening to our demo lack of this flame, this sincerity that tends to be erased during the years, thanx to more and more sterile productions… 6. You have quite gore lyrics. Aren’t you afraid to hurt the fragile sensibility of some postmen that would have to face the content of your packages by any hazard (Fucking robbers!)? (Laughing loud). It would be a real pleasure for me to reassure this postman in the depths of my wet and muddy cave… 7. About your lyrics, I read somewhere it is based on middle age tortures and punishments! Describe a bit the content of the texts. Where did your interest for these ancient times come from? Do you extend this concept to some scene costumes, or does it exclusively remain at the level of lyrics? Yes. For our demon the concept drawn itself around the Necrophageophile troubadour… Infact he’s a damned and perverse artist, who tells about all the horrors and insupportable scenes he could see, and be involved in… It includes the lyrics in French of course. The choice of the epoch was very instinctive… We used the fears, beliefs and traditions of the peoples living in these epochs who almost saw the devil at the corner of each street. We are for most big fans of role playing games… This might also have influenced us lol. Concerning the gigs, yes, we consider something strong in osmose with our concept… 8. How many gigs did you play until now? How did it occur? Were you enough hateful and energetic in your opinion, and were the reactions of the crowd bestial enough, or was there something lack in your opinion? We currently did 3 concerts? The first one occurred at the « Hangar du rock » in St Sulpice near of Toulouse. It was a festival with several excellent local bands. The second gig was in Toulouse at the Caravan’ Serail with Grimoria who invited us. The last one was in Perpignan with some locals bands, it was organized by « Les hordes métalliques ». To be honest it occurred very well, we received some very savage feedbacks from the public, and it was a real pleasure for us. We are ready to give everything again and again! 9. OSSUAIRE comes from the south of France. Give us some informations about your local scene : bands, webzines, gig organizers… Which bands would you advice us? Is there a little Death metal scene, as well as in the very north or France? Yes, in our little circle of the south west, I must say extreme metal is relatively present. I can quite bands such as Trashnasty, Ouroboros, Gomory (I hope the ortography is correct), Atropheed, Necrokult , Dominant Obscurity, those are all killer bands who sincerely deserve to be known. There are few fanzines and webzines, such as MORGUE (Ran by a friend from Toulouse) that recently became DEVILMENT Zine. He used a track of Ossuaire on his tape compilation. There enough to revive the mortuary flame… 10. Do you think the hot weather of your suburb might influence your music, in the sense it could be heavier, crushed (by the pestilential atmosphere full of the almost burning remains) and burning? Do you think it could be sane to begin a melodic or atmospheric, cloudy and really superficial black metal project in there? Someone instigating this kind of project would risk to fall from his little could very fast, sucked in by the burning and putrid atmosphere ? héhé Lol. I would say you only need to enclosed yourself in an obscure and stinking rehearsal room to find the inspiration. The weather can’t influence the music, because each individual maintains his own inner rage and hatred… In the kind of world we live, how is it possible to create an extreme project taking care only of the rain and sun ? 11. What does Death metal mean in your eyes? Obviously I will answer in a very personal way. For myself, Death metal is an obscure and macabre art, a weapon against symphonic purity and softness. When I listen to bands such as Dead Congregation, Kaamos, Necros Christos or Incantation, I leave this insane and occult vibration bury myself in the depth of the abyss… It’s the essential element in the Death metal I appreciate. 12. Where the musicians of OSSUAIRE a part of other musical projects before? If so, did they record some demos, or even an album? What’s the middle age inside of the band, and what are you doing in everyday’ life? (Please do not answer : « Ripper of cheap peasants and blasphemers raping the duchess of other territories » héhé) Some of the band members have side projects. This isn’t necessarily Death metal… I prefer to remain discrete about this matter, and let the other members directly discuss about it with peoples during gigs or others. Concerning the age, our brains are more or less rotting since 25 years, and in everyday life we do what we can to maintain this rottenness. 13. What’s the absolute goal for OSSUAIRE? What about a more down to earth goal? What elements (musically or not) would never be a part of the OSSUAIRE entity? We will keep on spreading pestilence during our gigs and I hope, gor many albums… To work our music the best way possible to offer an impregnating Death metal that never disappoints us and the peoples who enjoy our music. Ossuaire isn’t in search for recognition. The deads are patient, time do not worry us in any way… 14. Since the time for conclusion has came, I let you close this questionnaire speaking about your future projects (gigs and recordings) and vigorously saluting the crowd being enthusiastic in front of so much putridity. Thanx for the answers. If
everything occur as planned, we will play in Toulouse at the « Vent
du sud » on the 28th October during a festival organized by Snake
Bite… We are currently working on our first album, but we do not
impose ourselves any schedule. I thank you again, as well as all
the cadavers followers of the stagnating mud. DROWNING IN YOUR INNER SCARS! Email: kiste_moisi@hotmail.com