---------------------------------------------------------------- DEATH/
1. Hello! Even if a part of my readers should be a little informed, we’ll make a diabolical summary : ABNORM, who is it, what is it and where it is? Hello Gab,
2. What’s new since the split with NECROS I released on tape? I think there were a bit of changes at the level of the troops' arrangement… Since the split tape, well not so much things in fact, we are quite lazy hehe, and we’re also quite busy with other projects (You know it hehe). We were blocked for some time after the departure of our bassist/ vocalist that occurred after the demo’s release, so we welcomed N. to help us for two gigs, we were quite in the shit because these gigs were scheduled. Then, for different reasons we decided I would take care of the vocals, so I took time to seriously work this aspect (I never did vocals before)… So I became guitarist and vocalist while N. did only the bass guitar. During this time we composed new songs to be quite different from the demo, we played it during 2 or 3 gigs under the current line up. Two of these tracks will be released on a split, and we will record an Ep in the future, but nothing is certain for now.
3. I know your first demo quite well (Hopefully, huh) and it seems to me the following should contain bigger dark fruit pieces, it should be deeper on an emotional point of view… Describe us a bit what the listeners will be able to hear on your next recording! What are the differences with the tracks of the demo… Hehe, in fact
I think you know the demo even better than we do, you should hate
it after so much time copying tapes (laughs).
4. These new songs are meant to be released on a split… Can you tell us more, or is it synonymous with a condemned and sutured mouth until the release date? In fact the
split is already out (Yes, I took « a bit » of time to answer this
interview, sorry), so there’s no censorship, it’s a good point hehe.
5. How does musical composition occur with you? Is everyone tackling the furnace (You should hang on it very well, in case there’s an earthquake!) or is there a main contributor in disgusting riffs and nauseating ideas? Perhaps you own a « Gay riff moderator » who slaps on the fingers of those who try to import quite too melodic influences? I take care of the composition. I come with parts of songs, and then we talk about it. Other members have a right to speak but generally it’s as smooth as a thin letter in a Po box, we have the same vision of the way Abnorm should so, at least it works well for now. On the other hand, if I come up with gay riffs they have the rights to slap on my fingers.
6. In ABNORM, do you feel closer to the Death metal or black metal scene? On one hand some say the border between both is quite thin, on the other hand there are quite an amount of differences (Only think about the state of mind, the production, the influences…). Musically and ideologically, your hearts feel closer to which of these genres ? As I said before, I don’t like too much categorizations in a given style, but then of course you can find of these two genres in our music. Speaking for myself, I’d say I feel closer to the Death metal scene, especially since what is called black metal nowadays is polluted by lots of trendies who make up as pandas just because it’s cool. I like black metal in its primal form, even before the Norwegian wave : Venom, Bathory, Sarcofago... And today there are few black metal bands to stand out for my tastes. In the Death metal genre, I find a stronger sincerity and something to be much more unhealthy and dark than these bands who call themselves « black metal ». Of course, you have probably understood when I talk about Death metal, it’s not this one that gruiks and blasts all the way without any feeling, with a perfect sound, ok ?
7. And what about the French underground scene, do you like it? Do you feel close to some bands from your area/ country, or do you prefer to search in other countries to find your ration of diabolical vibrations? Now I will ask you to play the game of the visionary man for a minute: Which French band(s) do you think will have the talent and caliber to become almost musically frightening and much bigger? I will speak
for myself, of course I like the French underground scene, of course
it’s less productive than in other countries but one shouldn’t always
deny it and we should enjoy the good bands we own : Bloody sign,
Resistance, Manzer, Necros, Necrowretch, Infinite Translation...
All these bands represent a good underground French scene in their
genres! We’re especially close to Bloody sign and Necros, first
on a musical style, but also at the level of mentality, vision of
8. You live in Brittany. A few years ago, one could see quite a little amount of bands claming their belonging to this area and their bonds to its traditions… Is it still the case? On an internal point of view, what can you say about your area compared to other ones such as « Nord pas de Calais » for example (Where we seem to be quite much fewer bond to traditions, to the past… We have the mines, the mining villages, peoples talk a bit in the local slang… But it seems to be much fewer developed than in your area). To speak frankly, I like my area a lot, with its strong identity, but I never felt close to bands claiming their folklore. This kind of pseudo pagan gay genre to drink with horns and listen to Korpiklaani is quite trendy in there, and it succeeds in making me nervous.
9a. And the metallic traditions, do you enjoy it? Would you rather consider yourself to be a continuator of the old beer and rock’n roll tradition, or then do you collect old dusty demos, or even fanzines, patches, or the metal pins? (Yes, the « pins », it was volunteer lol) Yeah, this
kind of traditions is much more for my tastes (Laughs). Of course
at my level I feel like a continuator of the beer and rock’n roll
spirit, those who don’t know it should listen to my project Perversifier,
you will understand hehe EVOKATING
MALIGNANT SPIRITS OF THE BREWING MADNESS 9b. I find it quite surprising that after a good little ten years always going towards the modern, the new, the very clean under the influence of the Internet, quite a lot of peoples seem to little by little come back to more « ancient » metallic values, yet remaining online… Do you think it would be some kind of natural balancing of evolution (It would make an « intermediate » to digest the change), or would it be just another fashion? Or then it could be the current crisis to severely affect the moods of the metallic crowd? I already gave
my answer in the previous one.
10. If ABNORM was an animal, which would you choose? And if you could replace this same beast in time, in which epoch would you teleport it? Oh shit, this
is an original question!! This is a hard one. I don’t really know,
I would say an otter, because it can escape water by surprise, and
you didn’t expect it, and I like to take listeners by surprise (Laughs).
11. Speaking of epochs, what’s your favorite one from the history and why? In which would you have liked to live ? Sometimes one can see peoples to phantasm quite a bit on middle age, 18th or 19th century… But maybe they only have a quite deformed, idealized vision of it, and it wasn’t so good (Only think about the life expectancy, 40-50 were already quite good… Without talking about diseases, pestilential smell… But maybe you love it, disease and pestilence, if you’re a big pervert hehe) In fact I won’t
be very original, but if I could choose an epoch I wouldn’t go so
far in time, only in the 70s : To feel the excitement while discovering
all these interesting bands from the time, to discover sounds never
heard before. SLASH
TREMOLO PERPETUATOR 12. Next to ABNORM you also have another black thrash project called PERVERSIFIER, and I also think there are more… Tell us a bit about these parallel musical occupations. Were it born at the time ABNORM was a bit on « pause » as band members lacked, or did you always want to fornicate in different ways ? In fact I’m the creator of Perversifier, this project was born next to Abnorm even before the line up was puzzled. I’m a bit of a music bulimic and I like to explore the styles I particularly love… Then the free time and opportunities decide of each idea’s becoming… And Perversifier is a project that became a real band, meant to last in time, so prepare yourself to hear about it hehe.
13. The name of the band means abnormal, anomalous, the one of your project stands for « The one who perverts »… Do you consider yourself to be a deviant, a big disgusting bastard bearing the black flag and planning to spread the diabolical semen in every « animal » orifices under reach, so sum it up : Some kind of vile necro-inseminator! AhAh! Or am I interpreting things? Ahah! I never really thought about it, but yeah you could say it that way, yes. My goal is to do what I feel, far beyond the normality and formatted side of the world surrounding us, spreading the wrong word to whoever agrees to hear it… Isn’t it a good summary?
14. If you had to describe your music to someone who doesn’t know the band, how would you do to try and be convincing, or at least interpellating? And if he wasn’t listening to metal, which paths would you take to draw the thing? And if he was a quite practicing Christian, do you think you would have chances to catch the interest of his musical side? And how would you do ? (After all, there are a few priests to be fans of metal… It’s not necessarily logical or coherent at the ethical or deep meaning level, especially when it blasphemes all the way, but well if they’re happy… And it’s true there’s metal and metal…) If I had to
describe Abnorm to an uninformed person, I would say it’s a brutal
and dark but also sincere music, and if this person is a little
opened he could override the « inaudible » side to understand the
artistical aspect, if he doesn’t like it, he could at least understand
15. What are your future projects? If you have remains of black bile to spit, it’s the right moment… The interview is almost over, I will have to close the vault… The split will
be released on CD through Wolf Path records at the beginning of
2011, then nothing is planned but we will certainly record an Ep
one of these days… Infos will circulate at the right time. Thanks
a lot of this interesting interview and for your devotion towards
putrid metal of death. Total respect.
Web page: http://www.myspace.com/thetrueabnormband