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Most of the SADISTIK EXEKUTION interviews I read rather turned in bashing of the interviewer or simple and straight: FUKK YOU answers! It was possibly due to the fact the press always considered Sad ex as brainless fukkers and unable musicians. Anyway I always thought there were more reflections behind this band than they wanted us to think, and I always felt like these guys were much more musically and conceptually able to kill than many poofters think! So I sent them a bunch of quite detailled questions hoping for quite long answer (and I kept in mind this super cool and interesting biography Rokk wrote for SLAYER Magazine...), but maybe was I wrong since the answers are: "FUKK YOU!!" Anyway, as always: it's PURE FUKKING DEATH! Questions answered by Dave Slave.
1. Hello! The first question is meant to be an attractive introduction, so to please all the poofsters in here, tell us about your last poofsters' head smashings and brutal fights in Australia! A-THE ONLY HEAD SMASHING IS WHEN I BEAT MYSELF UP IN FRONT OF PUBLIC FOR EXTREME ATTENTION (AND YELL OUT I AM SATANS WORST NIGHTMARE) I USED TO BEAT UP THE SAD-EX MEMBERS FOR PLAYING TO SLOW. 2. In my opinion, your 2nd LP "We are death" counts some of the most bizarre tracks Sadistik have ever written: "Internal klok" and "Burnt offering" are two songs full of totally senseless riffs and weird songs' structures being hardly understandable for the metal wannabees. Was there a special goal to write your music weirdly at this time? AUTOPSY also had somekind of the same strange riffs and breaks, even though their style always was more doomed and rooted in a "classical" old school death metal. What's your opinion about it? Did you like AUTOPSY? A-YES MY UNCLE USED TO BE A ON THE CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION SQUAD AND HE SHOWED ME A FEW PHOTOS OF MANY AUTOPSIES! AND AS FOR WE ARE DEATH? WELL WE WERE DEATH THEN, AND I AM EMBARRESED OF THAT SLOW WIMPY POOFTER ALBUM WITH SHIT PRODUCTION WHICH DISGUISED THE RIFFS, DUE TO CUNT AUDIO ENGINEERS AT TIME .SINCE KAOS WE ARE MENTAL, FUKK YOU! 3. Your following CDs were still weird, of corpse! but it's more focused on blasts and total speed. Any reason for that? A- YES BECAUSE WE CAN PLAY THAT MENTAL WE LET EVERYONE KNOW HOW MENTAL WE REALLY ARE !THE DIFFERENCE WITH US GOING FAST COMPARED TO OTHER BANDS IS THE WHOLE BAND IS PLAYING FAST WITH OVERSTRUCTURED MENTAL INSANITY! IT TOOK YEARS FOR US TO DEVELOP THESE MUSICAL SKILLS (THE DRUMMER DON'T JUST DO SIMPLE BLAST BEATS SOME OF THE BEATS SLOWED DOWN ARE VERY COMPLEX.
4. Your first album "The magus" is different than your last 3 CDs, the guitars parts are much more into early Death thrash the old school way. I recently learnt your guitarist of this time who left just after the recording was composing all the music... Do you consider "The magus" as a totally SADISTIK EXEKUTION album, or are your feeling mixed about it? Do there exist some unreleased tracks from this epoch? (I mean songs not released on CDs). A- WELL THE MAGUS IS TOTAL CRAP!!!!!!!!!! 5. You once played with the drummer of DAMAGED (R.I.P) for an European tour. Did you record some studio tracks with him? What were your feelings about Europe and European metalheads? Did you visit Norway and was it a pleasure? Ah Ah! Who has been the best drummer for SADISTIK EXEKUTION since the beginnings of the band? A- NO RECORDINGS WITH DAMAGED DRUMMER!! BUT THE TOUR WITH HIM WAS GREAT! HOWEVER SLOTH IS THE ONLY DRUMMER WE REALLY HAD AND HE IS INHUMAN! 6. The production of your first two albums wasn't the best, but its advantage was the listener could clearly hear the drum playing of Sloth: all his blasts, breaks and ass kicking stuffs! On the other hand, your last 3 albums have a much more powerful production, but the drums sound less clear, it's more like a wall of never-ending blasts. I personally feel like the frenzy of his drumming is in part lost in the production. What are your feelings about it? Was his drums triggered in the studio or did Sloth changed the kind of drugs he took after "We are death"? A- NO WHEN YOU PLAY SO FAST THINGS START TO FALL APART IN SOUND EVEN THE BIGGEST PRODUCTION IN SAD-EX CASE WILL STILL NOT BE ABLE TO REVEAL DETAIL!! AND IF YOU TURN THE DRUMS UP THE GUITARS GO DOWN. AFTER TRYING MANY COMBINATIONS FUKK 2 WAS THE BEST RESULT!!!!!!!!! 7. SADISTIK EXEKUTION always plays a quite technical music; this technical level could be detected by the ones with a minimum level of musical understanding and metal state of mind. Do you rehearse a lot to reach this level? Is it easy to have all the things correctly done by all the musicians? Is it easy to perform your tracks live, and is SADISTIK rather a studio or live band? A-SAD-EX IS TECHNICAL IN A WAY OF VIOLENCE EG, SOME JAZZ MUSIK IS TRICKY BUT FAR FROM VIOLENT, BUT WE SAT OUT TO PLAY AS VIOLENT AND HEAVY AS POSSIBLE AND IT GETS TECHNICAL!!!!!!!! 8. I feel like ROK's artworks are very close to the ones of early VOÏVOD, both for the dirtiness, crass and deadly aspect. Where you influenced by early VOÏVOD (Demos + "War and pain") or did it occur as a coincidence? What's your opinion about VOÏVOD's musical and lyrical evolution after their second LP "RRROOOAAARRR"? A- ACTUALLY I'VE HEARD OF THESE VOIVODIANS. WELL YES POOFTER ROKK USED TO LIKE THAT MUSIK AND CONCEPT IN 86, AND CUNTFACE KRISS USED TO PLAY PLAY THAT MUSIK AS WELL BUT I ONLY LIKED LISTENING TO IT BACKWARDS. 9. The musicians of SADISTIK played in several solo projects through the years, some CDs of NAZXUL, ROK and others were recorded. Can you give a list of all these projects (at least the CDs that were recorded, if your projects are too numerous). Do you take these projects for serious or is it rather some nice ways to spend time and drink more beer waiting for the next SADISTIK EXEKUTION release? A-SAD-EX IS OUR PROJECT, AND IS KAPOOT NOW! I AM DOING DOOMED AND DISGUSTIND AND IT IS SERIOUSLY DOOMED. 10. Did SADISTIK EXEKUTION already play cover tracks? Do you usually cover some cult death or thrash metal tracks? If you could record some songs for Tribute albums, what would it be and how would it sound? A- YES WE ALMOST DONE AN AC-DC TRACK BUT IT STILL WAS WIMPY EVEN PLAYED FAST! 11. And what about a Sad Ex Tribute album? That could be an interesting idea, if the guy running the project can find enough bands able to play your compositions the right way (!!), with the right skills and state of mind! A- GOODLUCK TO ANYONE WHO WANTS TO TRY AND PLAY THAT MENTAL VOMIT. 12. Many so-called extreme metallers seem to misunderstand your music, as it's not rare to read bad reviews of your releases. What would you answer to these poofsters if you could? Did you ever meets personally a guy who told you eyes in eyes your music sucks and you guys are retard? If so how did you react? A- I REACTED FINE BUT SOMEONE ELSE CALLED THE AMBULANCE (AFTER THROWING SOMECUNT IN FRONT OF A TAXI).
13. A new wave of old school death and thrash is emerging from the deepest fields of the underground as many poofsters are bored with Us brutal death, noise grind, gay ass licking black metal... What's your opinion about it? Do you take it as a cool way to review some good old death metal feelings? A- IM OVER IT I'VE BEEN LISTENING TO FAST FLAMENCO MUSIK. 14. Does it usually take a long time to compose a SADISTIK song? Who comes with most of the music? A- ME DAVE MENTAL SLAVE AND YOU HAVE SEEN THE GAPS BEETWEEN RELEASES SO WHAT DO YOU THINK! 15. What about writing lyrics? Does it generally flow on a piece of paper, or does it take weeks of hard work to have something satisfying? Does beer or any kind of drug helps you for that matter? A- BEER ALWAYS HELP! BUT IN THE LYRIC DEPARTMENT ITS BEST TO SOUND A BIT PRIMITIVE TO KEEP IT MENTAL! 16. What kind of metal do you enjoy nowadays? Did you find interest in the technical and brutal death styles? Australia is known for its powerful war metal scene, did you enjoy bands such as BESTIAL WARLUST, DESTROYER 666 or others like VOMITOR, ABOMINATOR, GOSPEL OF THE HORNS... Do you know ENCABULOS/ CRUCIFIRE, NOCTURNAL GRAVE? Are you friend with some of these bands? Do you know if there are projects for a BESTIAL WARLUST reunion? A-WE HAD WAR METAL CONCEPT IN 86 DON,T YOU THINK I'M OVER IT! SINCE THEN WEV,E HAD REAL WARS !AND THEY ARE MORE IMPRESSIVE THAN THIS WAR THAT VOI VOD STARTED BACK IN 85. 17. Do you like computers? Webzines? What about the Internet virtual metal scene? Some bands promote their music only through the web and exist only by their website... would you wank for days on one of these sites? Ah Ah! A- I CAN BEARLY USE A COMPUTER I AM AS ABLE AS STEVEN HAWKINGS. 18. What are your daily jobs? Maybe Osmose sends you big royalties every month, and you can spend your days drinking beers and headbanging on pure fucking death! Lol. Have you got a lot of fans, and did some of them tried to send you weird stuffs such as excrements or blood spilled ass' hairs...? A-YES WE SPEND THE ROYALTIES ON GETTING FUKKIN PISSED!! AND BUY SNACKIES WITH THE CHANGE I'VE NO TIME FOR THIS SHIT, THE CIRCUS HAS COME TO AN END! I WILL BE AN ACTOR FROM NOW ON I CAN ACT ANYTHING (EXEPT NORMAL). 19. What's the last release you bought that didn't disappoint you? A-THE DARKNESS. 20. What were the most shitty questions on this interview? A-ALL OF THEM (HARD TO CHOOSE). 21. I'm running out of questions, so here's the last one: what are the next projects for SADISTIK EXEKUTION: releases, gigs, artworks... and what will be your next metal activities? Thanks for your time and answers! Keep riding the internal klok! DAVE SLAVE'S DOOMED AND DISGUSTING IS GONNA FREAK YOUR MIND YOU MENTAL! FORGET THIS SAD-EX SHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Website: http://fade.to/sadx