1. Greetings! What's new in the unholy world of SADISM? Something good to announce and begin this interview? Hi Gabriel. thanks a lot for contacting us… Well, in few days we are about to travel to Finland, more specifically to HELLSINKI DEATH FEST, that is carried out in October, 23th -24th… We are very excited to perform there because this is our first time in that country… After that we will return to Chile for one more show & then we'll begin to work on our eigth album. 2. I saw you live in Douai (France) recently, it was a very cool and obscure gig. It feels great/ weird/ surprising a band from a country as far as Chile would play less than 15 minutes away from my home... Was this gig a part of an European tour and how many dates did it count? How are you able to not loose money on a tour like that? (There are plane tickets, travelling by car, food and the remaining...) Are the merchandising and CD sales enough to keep it safe and survive for a couple of weeks? Yes, when you saw us in Douai it was part of our 3rd European tour called ETHEREAL DEAD TOUR EUROPE, that included 12 shows in France, Belgium, Netherland, Germany & England (This last one was cancelled for unfortunate reasons). Talking about costs, basically they were assumed by ourselves (Flying tickets + Van...), other costs like food or hotel expenses were paid by merch, door deals etc... But the entire merchandise sales sometimes don’t get the costs, it’s not enough.
3. Searching for live SADISM videos on Youtube, I noticed it's not the first time you play in Europe, I found videos of gigs in Sweden and Czech Republic, so much more live rituals probably happened in reality! What are the best remembrances you keep from the gigs in Europe? That is definitely a point that each member lives in a very different way. There have been small shows that have been great experiences and others a real mess in many aspects, and also the greatest festivals are for any band very significant experiences. 4. You have released 7 albums, it's quite an accomplishment! Which one remains the best on a matter of music and production in your opinion? Which one would you advice to someone who would like to discover the hellish sounds of SADISM in its whole? I think that
each work has its own dark atmosphere, that makes them different
from each others, but I´m quite sure a fan could answer much
better. In my opinion, as an artist and someone responsible for
the conceptual art and lyrics, there are songs and graphics that
stand out more than others, such as; “Tribulated Bells”, (Perhaps
because it was first), “Summon” or “Alliance”, however I recommend
listening to them all in time.
5. The music of SADISM is old school death metal, but you didn't avoid the influences of more "modern" styles... I mean some old school bands focus on the early thrashing end 80's death metal style exclusively, they avoid anything that came after that... They don't enjoy the "satanic" Death metal of MORBID ANGEL or early DEICIDE, they don't enjoy the early technical death metal of DEATH and PESTILENCE, they don't enjoy the early brutal death metal killings of SUFFOCATION or CANNIBAL CORPSE... Well, it seems they like only the first POSSESSED and DEATH albums... Not to say it's a bad thing, but there are other killer elements in the spectrum of morbidity! What is the opinion of SADISM about the use of newer and various influences in the composition of death metal tracks? Should it be absolutely retro only, or small evolutions are welcome? How can a composer welcome newer influences and remain true to himself and real metal? In matters of composition, arrangements and creation, everyone can do what they want. The new influences aren't necessarily bad, it´s only the musicians' criterias that can generate incredible projects, indeed. SADISM has been characterized by doing their own things, if we have changed or not , listeners are going to decide, it is not such a relevant topic and that we worry too much about, Now we value other things such as: The time in composition, clear ideas and everything that involves a new album. 6. Listening to your various albums, it seems to me the music of MORBID ANGEL had more influence on your last albums... Do you confirm this fact, or is it also a matter of better/ bigger/ heavier production? I don’t think
so, at the beginning Morbid Angel was one of the greatest influences
in our music, together with Death, Possessed, Sepultura or Pestilence,
but as the time goes by we have found our own sound. Our latest
works reflect that you can reinvent your own roots, the following
things are related to production & so forth.
7. When I listen to your last album "Ethereal Dead Cult" I don't believe it was recorded in South America... It sounds very professional and quite massive, it sounds European or American in my humble rotting hears, while the bands from Chile often have a raw thrashing or obscure underground production... Can you tell us more about where and how this album was recorded? I have to remember you that Chile has one of the oldest Death Metal scene in south American & in the world, that´s the reason why we have awesome productions nowadays, because of the experience. Concerning "Ethereal Dead Cult", it was recorded in SADE Studios (that belongs to JP Donoso) & this had a short period for composition, recording & production in general, but the results made us so proud! 8. How would you compare the metallers from South America and those from Europe? I have a vision of peoples in South America to be much more into the music, being really crazy guys and still worshipping metal as if their life depended on metal… While peoples in Europe are generally quieter, cooler, and perhaps they are generally more "regular music listeners"... What's your opinion about it? I have a similar
vision like you, I think South American metalheads are extreme followers
of what they like, and they express it in notorious way when they
assist concerts, with a prominence that makes more foreign bands
want to come here South America to perform shows. On the other hand,
Europeans are demurer... Why? The answer could be that you are accustomed
to having some tremendous scenes, tons of bands, of different styles,
shows and festivals of high levels,... That costs a lot in Chile
, but some organizers achieve it anyway and when it is carried out
it´s an unforgettable experience for many metallers. 9. Since a couple of years, there's a real DEATH METAL BOOM in Chile with many new bands playing Death metal in a very old school manner. The quantity and the quality of bands is quite surprising. What are your feelings about this? Do you hope this new wave of morbidity could help SADISM to reach more supporters in Europe and Usa? Do you think there was always a great Chilean scene, but it lacked of promotion and support in foreign countries, or there is really something happening nowadays? I honestly
think that boom you´re talking about has not been such: There
has always been a great scene in our country. The issue is… the
styles were mixed together and these results haven’t satisfied so
many metallers. That’s why many musicians have preferred to return
into the roots, which I feel also happens in different parts of
the globe. 10. To travel
a bit in the past and in the Chilean metal history, which metal
bands from Chile had the biggest importance in Chile in the 80's,
or perhaps the 90's? I'm talking about old school metal bands, might
it be thrash metal, death metal, or other close genres... Invocate
the elder cults!
11. How would you compare the vines and beers from Chile and Europe, what are the best ones in your opinion? Does Chile have something very special in matter of alcohols? Lol… Well, it’s very known that Chile has a high level in wines & other distillates such as: Pisco, that is a liquor that came from the grapes. I love wine more than beer… but I have to say the best beers I tasted in my whole life were in Antwerp, Belgium... dellicattesen in beer ... they blown my mind. But French wines are excellent too. 12. Which albums and releases did you listen to the most the last weeks/ months? Is it mostly about older cult bands, or some newer releases are also welcome? I tried to be in contact with the latest releases, but there is not always enough time to enjoy as I would like… Let me see, Aborted: "TerrorVision", Anomaly: "Planet storm", Atrocity: "Okkult II" , Deicide: "Overture of Blasphemies", Dimmu Borgir: "Eonian"... And Some of the latest works from Mgta, and many other bands from different styles. 13. What are the next projects with SADISM? Something delightfully morbid to announce to the readers? Thanks for the answers. Well Gabriel,
the good news is that SADISM will be recording it’s 8th album at
the beginning of 2020. Web page: https://www.facebook.com/sadismofficial Listen: https://soundcloud.com/sadism-1