IMPUREZA: Inquisition Demos.




DEAD CHURCH Webzine (Fra)

LA HORDE NOIRE Webzine (Fra)
METAL RULES Webzine (Usa)
NOISE ATTACK Webzine (Philippines)
POSTHUMAN Zine (Hungary)
RLYEH Zine (Pol)
TEUFEL'S TOMB Webzine (Usa)
ZAPISNIK Zine (Montenegro)




Version CD-R des démos de ce groupe de death Français. Trip hispanisant, pendant castagnettes y mojito de NILE. C’est moins rouleau compresseur que les Ricains, mais les incartades folkloriques sont tout aussi bien amenées et intégrées. Ca joue technique sans débander une seule seconde. Je suis curieux de voir ce que donne leur magma putridement ensoleillé en concert.



Inquisitions Demo arrive à point pour marquer un tournant dans la carrière d'IMPUREZA, alors que le groupe stagne en studio et tente d'enregistrer son premier album après quatre ans d'existence, ce dernier étant prévu pour septembre. En effet, cette compilation de démos peut être vue comme une sorte de point final à la première partie de l'aventure de la formation orléanaise, une sorte de dernier essai 100% underground avant le passage à la vitesse supérieure. Et comme IMPUREZA est un peu le groupe de metal le plus en vue sur Orléans, il me paraît logique de m'intéresser à cette sortie-charnière du quator de « brutal flamenco », que l'on peut considérer comme un bilan de quatre ans de travail.

IMPUREZA est un groupe qui doit son originalité à deux points : tout d'abord, le chant en espagnol, ce qui est relativement peu conventionnel pour un groupe français. Ensuite, ses lignes de guitare flamenco qu'il distille tout au long de ses morceaux, de façon plus ou moins parcimonieuse. Sorti de ces deux points, on est en présence d'un brutal death tout ce qu'il y a de plus classique, aux forts relents d'IMMOLATION, de NILE et autres groupes américains de brutal death étouffant. Le groupe n'a pas beaucoup varié sa formule au fil du temps et la cassette est donc relativement homogène. Même le son semble relativement similaire, ce qui fait que cette tape ressemble plus à une sorte de grosse démo pré-album qu'à une compilation, surtout que Nihilistic Holocaust, qui avait également sorti les deux splits qui eurent le succès que l'on sait et qui lancèrent véritablement le nom du groupe dans l'underground death metal européen, a décidé de publier cette démo en septembre 2007, alors que le groupe commence à préparer l'enregistrement de son premier album.

La formule IMPUREZA est censée reposer sur un équilibre délicat entre la brutalité et la violence du death metal sous accordé et bien guttural, et les ambiances du flamenco. Bon autant vous rassurer tout de suite, ils penchent très fort du premier côté de la balance, ce qui n'est pas plus mal (sinon on en parlerait pas ici). Le premier truc qui frappe, et ce dès les pistes de la première démo, c'est la grande maitrise technique du groupe, en particulier de leur batteur, à la frappe dantesque. Peut être pas du niveau du batteur de NILE, mais tout de même très fort. Les guitaristes ne sont pas en reste, avec des riffs parfois très costauds et une grande vélocité d'exécution. Le tout sonne très pro, le son est très bon, bref de ce côté ci rien à redire, c'est du très bon travail, très pro, d'autant que j'aime beaucoup le son de guitare et même la production globale de leurs démos, qui ont un son à la fois clean et crade, c'est à dire qu'on entend bien tout, mais ça n'est ni propre ni lisse; la production a du caractère, c'est probablement le meilleur aspect des premiers enregistrements du groupe.

Que penser par ailleurs du coté flamenco de ces démos ? Ben déjà il faudrait qu'il soit un poil plus présent pour avoir une réelle incidence sur l'ambiance générale. Certains courts passages en son clair ont une vraie force et amènent de très belles atmosphères, mais globalement bof bof quoi, ça ne sert pas à grand chose, surtout qu'il y'en a pas beaucoup non plus. Je crois même que sur un ou deux morceaux il y'en a pas du tout. Désamorcent-t'il, comme on pourrait le craindre, la brutalité de la musique d'IMPUREZA ? Non, en aucune manière. Eventuellement ils rajoutent un surcroît de morbidité à certains passages, mais rien d'autre. Franchement, ils me laissent un peu indifférents... Ceci dit les amateurs de flamenco les apprécieront peut être, mais étant donné que j'y connais pas grand chose en la matière... Je me garderai bien de juger. Autre point que je tiens à souligner, le chant est excellent, un des meilleurs vocalistes de death metal made in France.

Passons maintenant aux critiques qui valent à cette cassette sa mauvaise note. En fait, le problème de ce groupe, c'est l'absence de vraies ambiances et de personnalité affirmée. Si on saute le détail du chant espagnol (un peu léger), il reste les lignes acoustiques trop peu présentes ou sous-exploitées (à mon goût) pour vraiment marquer : résultat on a quand même souvent l'impression d'écouter un groupe au très fort potentiel, mais qui ne parvient pas à vraiment l'exploiter. Déjà que j'avais découvert le groupe en concert et que je n'avais pas été super emballé, cette compil qui par ailleurs est une excellente idée, et dont la sortie à ce moment de l'histoire du groupe doit être saluée, n'a pas fait beaucoup évoluer mon avis sur IMPUREZA : il y a du bon, parfois du très bon, comme du moins bon, voire du mauvais, notamment le fait que le groupe me laisse la désagréable impression de rechercher la brutalité gratuite, sans vraiment arriver à développer de bonnes ambiances bien malsaines comme on aime dans le death metal. Et ce malgré des influences d'excellente facture, comme IMMOLATION ou dans une moindre mesure MORBID ANGEL. Ceci dit, ce coté « pas d'ambiance » est surtout vrai en live (sale souvenir de samples qui marchaient pas quand je les ai vu mi 2007), sur démo c'est un peu moins vrai mais ça se sent parfois, et c'est regrettable.

Bref, bien d'avoir édité cette cassette qui permet à ceux qui seraient curieux de découvrir le groupe alors que la sortie de son album semble enfin se confirmer de le faire à moindre frais, simplement je n'ai jamais vraiment accroché à ce groupe et je leur souhaite d'arriver à passer le cap du premier album... Attention, non pas que le groupe soit fondamentalement mauvais, mais il reste encore pas mal de travail à faire pour dépasser le stade du groupe de brutal death lambda et réellement se distinguer dans la masse de groupes qui officient dans ce style quelque peu saturé depuis une poignée d'années (au bas mot). Cela dit, les curieux peuvent se procurer cette cassette qui n'est pas non plus un total désastre, quand aux amateurs d'IMPUREZA, je leur conseille chaudement cette compilation qui leur permet d'avoir l'intégralité de la disco du groupe à ce jour sur un seul support, une excellente initiative à saluer ! 3/6. Seth rotten



DEAD CHURCH Webzine (Fra)
I didn’t know what to think about a band which includes flamenco parts in their death metal and sings in Spanish. What a surprise, IMPUREZA kill !!!! This tape gathers their 3 demo tapes ("Y Correra Tu Sangre" ’05, "Ruina de la penitencia" ’06, "En el desierto de la creencia" ’07) and show to you a huge potential. All is about darkness here, this is some DARK, technical and brutal death metal the way is was meant to be and the flamenco clear parts are so well played that this add a lot to the general atmosphere. I’m now waiting for the next album with (as usual) impatience !!! Support these guys and Gab / NH ! 



A compilation of french Impurezas three demos, "Y Correra Tu Sangre" (from 2005), "Ruina de la penitencia" (from 2006) and "En el desierto de la creencia" (from 2007). In between they released two splits (which I would be glad to review someday), because this is awesome! At first I was afraid that the track order would be on the negative side for the band, with the latest demos first, since a band polish their sound as time goes. I was afraid that this would make everything start out great but end sounding like kindergarden. This, however, is not the case.
Impureza shows a great group pf talents, everyone knowing what to do at all times, and also doing it great. Death Metal with Grindcore influences with only some Flamenco parts as the only thing to really stop to think about. Otherwise it's just headbanging and fun! I will listen to it many many more times. I ever recommend you to hear it for yourself at
(Distribution: Nihilistic Holocaust)



When I'm writing this review most of you know IMPUREZA from this material, or two splits (one from Nihilistic Holocaust, second from an polish label, both spreaded in maaany copies) and I'm sure you respect this tape! If you dont have tape deck in home, then you'll youst read about compilation of three demos of decent, well played brutal death metal in the vein of NILE, INCANTATION and IMMOLATION! The newest demo "En el desiero de la creencia" 2007 (first on this tape) is a bit experimental, contais some more instrumental intros/parts that combine death metal with... flamenco! After first listeing I hate this, but later enjoyed, for sure its much better than classic intro or an acoustic bullshit! All tracks are inteligent composed and great arranged, I can even say that many "professional" well-known bands signed to the big labels can't make such interesing tracks! Next four tracks came fom "Ruina de la penitencia" 2006 and come with even more brutal music, and if I dont fuckedup tracklist then "La luz de la la luna negra" is one of my fav here (among with "Enganifa Religiosa" from first demo "Y Correra Tu Sangre" 2005 - what a great ideas to make a killer track!), I just love when in some moments thier death are dangerous near to black metal, or that fucking great rythm on vocals! Ther's of course an progess in music of IMPUREZA but I'm quite suprised how good is thier sound on first demo, I say more - I really like this one, I think rhytm section is louder here, also early stuff is a bit more obscure and maybe more thick and stuffy. Many headbanging tempos give me a lot of energy, would love to see this band of the stage! Beware for thier upcoming debut album (dont aske why this is still delayed - thier new label should Make hay while the sun shines!), and if for some reason never before heard IMPUREZA make sure to grab this tape from an underground distro or simply ask here: Contact


Do you remember your face when you listened for the very fi rst time a Nile’s music? The Egyptian culture and music by hands given to extreme death metal band. Yeah, now what would be your face if I tell you that Impureza is a French death metal band infl uented by fl amenco, even with lyrics written in Spanish?? Oh yeahhh, close your mouth please, this is one of the most original death metal band I listened since many years ago. Killing riffs, majestic and aggressive rhythms, great plays, groovy, heavy and very acoustic parts of fl amenco, enlightening a bit the musicality of their sonority. They found out the perfect and only way possible to mixture so different and opposite musical styles. What we have here is stuff never heard before and is outstanding the risk they took, concerning all the musicianship implemented in this group of tracks. “Inquisition demos” is a Nihilist Holocaust release putting altogether their previous demos from ’05, ’06 and ’07. Great issue! 



This release comes at the metal underground at an angle, coming more from the progressive/post-punk influenced side of things and sounding like a cross between Nile and interesting grind like Dead Infection or Human Remains. Like Nile, this isn't death metal per se, in that its riffs are built around harmony, not a flow of chords in a melodic sense like death metal. They play a chord in a shifting rhythm, then add notes to give it texture, and so pull a dozen riffs out of a single chord. It's more immersive than constantly shifting as a result.


LA HORDE NOIRE Webzine (Fra)
« Atypique » : voici le premier mot qu'il me vient à l'esprit après la première écoute d'
Inquisition Demos. Plusieurs raisons à cela. IMPUREZA verse dans un death oldschool jusque-là sans grande surprise mais la différence réside dans le fait qu'une fois par morceau, on a droit à une interlude guitare sèche gitane qui n'est pas sans provoquer chez moi une grande envie de me pisser dessus tellement le mélange est à mourir de rire. Ce n'est pas sans me rappeler cette époque où passaient à la télé les aventures de Zorro le cavalier sans peur. J'avoue ces parties sèches sont très bien jouées mais bon, pourquoi vouloir toujours encore et encore mélanger pour nous donner un style hybride sans intérêt ? Il n'y a aucun rapport entre le death metal et la guitare gitane à ce que je sache! Plutôt que de vouloir innover à tout prix, restons intègres tout en proposant une putain de musique sans forcément copier les autres. Pour certains je vais passer pour un gros con intolérant, cela ne changera pas mon avis et je répondrai à ces personnes qu'il ne faut alors pas écouter du métal. En fait, IMPUREZA me fait penser à NILE dans l'optique du mélange musical mais la comparaison s'arrête là car la musique des pharaons n'est pas la même. Autre point atypique, IMPUREZA utilise le chant en espagnol : on aime ou on aime pas à vous de voir mais bon sachez que le groupe n'officie pas dans les vocaux de cochon mais plus dans un chant death old school. Tous les titres d'Inquisition Demos sont issus d'En El Desierto De La Creencia, Ruina De L a Penitencia et Y Correra Tu Sangre respectivement parues en 2007, 2006 et 2005 et sont de bonnes factures, à ce niveau là rien à redire. Malgré le détail de la guitare gitane et du chant pas assez guttural à mon goût, IMPUREZA nous balance des compos respectables; se dire que le tout est issu de démos je dis bien. Le groupe ne devrait pas avoir de mal à séduire car le tout reste quand même accessible pour une oreille un temps soit peu habituée à ce style qu'est le death metal. Je ne ferai pas des folies d'Inquisition Demos, il est vrai. Mais bon, si un jour une chica m'invite à une soirée flamenco, je prendrai IMPUREZA pour faire de l'effet (rires). 



METAL RULES Webzine (Usa)
Death metal with Flamenco parts?! Sounds like an absurd yet very insane idea, but surely would be worth trying out, right?
Impureza, this quartet hailing from Orléans (Centre), France, have given their best shot for this idea in which a flamenco guitar gets a clearly audible side role within Impureza´s songs. Flamenco isn´t any revolutionary instrument used in death metal; it´s been used by some death metal bands before, but apparently not in such big amounts as Impureza do within their own stuff.
INQUISITION DEMOS, is a compilation cassette tape, which contains the band´s 3 demos from 2005-2007. Impureza play dark and heavy death metal in which often flamenco guitars break in, without asking permission first - making the whole thing sound quite unusual, more interesting and overall challenging for its listener. Other than that, even if the essence of Impureza´s sound is based on pure death metal – with crushingly heavy guitars, deep and innards-shredding, growling vocals and such things, they have been wise enough to sharpen their weapons a little more than many of today´s death metal acts by incorporating unexpected rhythm changes, odd timings, etc. into their songs. It all sounds very focused and controlled altogether – and during the long run, it will work for their advantage for sure. In fact, there´s not even a question about that.
The band´s latest two demos, EN EL DESIERTO DE LA CREENCIA (demo 2007) and RUINA DE LA PENITENCIA (demo 2006), sound kinda Nile influenced with crunchy, down-tuned guitar parts, similarly arranged song and vocal parts to Nile´s - full of furious blast-beat attacks and murky and all-crushing feel in them, although without any Egyptian influences or anything like that.
What came as a somewhat strange coincidence to me, Impureza´s demo, titled Y CORRERA TU SANGRE, recorded back in 2005, brought the already disbanded, Missouri-based Timeghoul back to my mind with their quite similar type of multi-layered approach (which is not in any disarray, in fact perfectly in control and balanced) they have achieved on this particular demo. Hopefully they can also get some of that for their debut full-length album, titled LA IGLESIA DEL ODIO, which they planned to release in the first half of 2008 already.
However, pretty fuckin´ awesome death metal band they are anyway. If you are looking for something a bit out of the ordinary, quality death metal stuff that doesn´t sound overly polished or too modern, then why not to try out Impureza from France?



NOISE ATTACK Webzine (Philippines)
This is my third time to hear a release from Nihilistic Holocaust Records from France and they sure didn't disappoint me a bit with this record. Impureza delivers sadistically played death metal injecting a different touch of their own brand of extreme music. Spanish Latin Classically inspired guitars are used to make their materials sound more evil and hellish. Their heavy and dark music lean more on the traditional relentless feel using classical riffs not only on their acoustic parts but also on their metal riffs and guitar breaks. They used this kind of amusing and unusual approach in some of their songs in extra ordinary ways. For example, a solo part where the nylon string guitar played with a tabla player with clapping hands at the background, quite superb on being creative. There's also a part here where the nylon acoustic guitar and the electric guitar are exchanging riffs and licks which shows the contrast between the two almost the same instrument played and plucked absolutely in two different ways. The drums also played a very vital role in the tightness of these songs along with the bass guitar. On track 3 the intensity and sharpness of the drummer is showcased with his double pedal attack with no retreat and ultra fast snare and tom rolls while crashing his chinas! I also noticed and heard some unique sounding exotic percussions but I am not sure if the drummer is the one playing those rhythmic passages. This recording is great you'll hear everything there is needed to be heard. The overall sound is solid and destructive, considering that these tracks are only coming from their demos. I don't have the lyric sheet of this copy and all their song titles are written and sung on their native tongue which I am not familiar with so I can't give you an idea on what they are thrashing about. All in all this is a wicked package complete with catchy acoustic and metal riffs with insane and unusual guitar solos. Vocal screeches and growls from start to finish, also some spoken words on their slower parts. Vocal trade offs here and there. Well thought song structure with tight song patterns. And before I forget the drum and guitar trade-off on the second track blew me away! It's very intense and technical at the same time! So if you wanna feel the sinister, dark and heavy music of Impureza score this CD out! (



From the land of cheese comes Impureza an agressive act of death metal with some of the most hilarious song names, or is it because I'm a Spanish speaker, whatever is the reason do not care for the song names. What I find interesting about them is how they use flamenco solos in their music, I did try a band on the past that was formed by members of Sadist (Ita) and was a total crap. These guys; however, sure know how and where to use those flamenco moments. This is modern death metal, but don't let that be a turn off, they play it exactly how most of us old school death metal fans enjoy it aggressive, hateful, and excellent riffs! There is only one band to whom I can compare these guys and it's no other band than Martial Barrage, Canada's finest act of death metal in this very moment. The riffs are not trashy, yet they are perfect for headbanging and also the fore mentioned solos are extremely good some of the best that I have heard from new bands, not that I listen to a lot of modern death metal though. The drumming is excellent, lot of blasting yet it doesn't bother due the production that the demos had, which is something extremely weird in metal for the most part. The vocalists are perhaps what makes this band ahead from many other modern acts, both vocalist use two different growls, the main one uses a extremely deep growl while the second one uses a raspy and screechy growl. Both vocalist sing in a different patter, sometimes in duo other times one after the other, like I said before, is pretty interesting. As mentioned before the production is pretty good for demos, actually incredibly good if we take into account how's the quality of most demos. Every riff can be heard without trouble, the drumming sounds good, the bass is absent like in many modern bands. Keep an eye on these guys and their full album,these demos are just an appetizer of how their full length its going to be.


POSTHUMAN Zine (Hungary)
Három demo-ról lett ideválogatva ez a tíz szám, eloször a 2007-es, utána a 2006-os, végül pedig az egy évvel korábbi kiadványukról. Az elso dalcsokor az elozo számban már elemzés alá vett Renicremation split-en szerepel, és az a legjobb az összes közül. Azokban dominánsan ott van a spanyol népi ritmusokat játszó akusztikus gitár, ami egy szenvedélyt, és egy különlegességet kölcsönöz a daloknak. Ez a spanyol koncepció nem tudom, hogy jött a képbe, az Impureza francia, szóval lehet csak a kultúrájuk, népmuvészetük tetszik nekik, vagy felfedezték, hogy az abban rejlo temperamentum, vehemencia tökre passzol az energikus death metaljukhoz. Emellett elég komplex témákat is nyomnak, és nagyon durván, brutálisan. Az ének néhol Nile-os, és kánonban is hallatszik, amitol még betegebb lesz. A riffek, és a szólók a végletekig el vannak tekerve, Cryptopsy- szeru összetettséggel, de nem lesz olyan tömény, és feldolgozhatatlan, mint sok bandánál, mert itt a kiállások, a nyugisabb riffek alkalmazása, és az akusztikus részek megadják az egyensúlyt. Azért a zenei tudás fejlodése látszik a bandán, az elso demo felvételei sokkal egyszerubbek, látszik, hogy rágyúrtak a zenélésre, a többi dal inkább a komplex verzió, ezen még az útkeresés hallatszik. Amúgy ezek is beteg durvára sikerültek. Na hagyjuk, az Impureza zsír brutal death metal, egyedi hangulattal.


Are you in the mood to listen death metal and flamenco music? Yeah, I know I can almost hear you saying, what the fuck! Are you serious? Impureza plays something we can call experimental death metal in the vein of bands like IMMOLATION, INCANTATION, maybe a little BRUJERIA, with a touch of flamenco music. For those who maybe wonder what exactly flamenco music is, flamenco is a traditional music in some regions of Spain. At first, I thought the band was from Spain, since they sing in Spanish and they added flamenco music to their metal, but to my surprise they are from France (they might be from Spain but residing in France) This is a compilation of the band's demos: "Y Correra Tu Sangre" demo 2005, "Ruina de la Penitencia" demo 2006, and "El Desierto de la Creencia" demo 2007. Some of you might think that the flamenco parts might make their music weak, but the flamenco parts are just used occasionally, so it isn't too bad. If you like brutal bands that like to experiment a little, then you might want to check this out. Language barrier? Don't worry about it, you will not notice that. 8/10


RLYEH Zine (Pol)
Tym razem francuzi zafundowali nam (lapskami Gaba z Nihilistic Holocaust) kasete bedaca kompilacja trzech tasm demo. Oczywiscie z calosci wybija sie zdecydowanie najswiezszy material z dema „En El Desierto De La Creencia”. Szczególna uwage zwracaja bardzo nowatorskie aranzacje: mieszanie ostrego Death Metalu z muzyka flamenco. Ten pozornie kompletnie chybiony zabieg, nie dosc ze trzyma sie kupy to jeszcze swietnie brzmi! Okazuje sie, ze Metal moze wchlonac kazdy gatunek muzyki i wciaz bedzie to „Metal”. IMPUREZA popelnila kawal dobrej roboty tak technicznie, jak muzycznie. Dwa pozostale dema, jakie tutaj mamy, juz nie budza tego rodzaju emocji, choc wciaz jest to wzorcowo odegrany Death z poteznym growlem. Jest wiec w sumie 10 kawalków. Warto przygladac sie temu zespolowi, bo z takim potencjalem i takimi pomyslami z pewnoscia bedzie o nich glosno. (9/10).


TEUFEL'S TOMB Webzine (Usa)
In 2007 France’s Nihilistic Holocaust released a 10 song demo compilation by French death metallers
Impureza entitled Inquisition Demos. Contained on the release is material from the band’s three demo recordings and kicks off with the most recent material from 2007’s El En Desierto De La Creencia.
The opening track,
"El Gitano Maldito", starts off with some traditional flamenco acoustic picking before exploding into a wave of crushing dark death metal, overflowing with shredding riffs, blast beats and snarling vocals. The production is dark and ominous and has a strong Nile sound, but the songs themselves have a style unique to Impureza. The three tracks are overflowing with mid-to-high paced dark death metal riffs that have a strong Ibex Moon Records-vibe. The musicianship is top notch with the band cleanly switching between crushing blasting dark death metal riffing to melodic flamenco acoustic picking and back to crushing dark death metal while sounding completely natural throughout. The clean acoustic guitar playing just sounds so natural for the music that it enhances the material instead of distracting from the dark sound. The dual vocal assault by bassist Lamas and guitarist Rafael is great, I don’t know what it is about Spanish vocals but it sounds great in death metal, even if I have no clue what the fuck they’re saying. The three tracks contained on El En Desierto De La Creencia are very high quality dark death metal tracks and absolutely worth checking out for all fans of technical death metal.
The four tracks from 2006’s
Ruina De La Penitencia demo have a distinctly different production. While the tracks on El En Desierto De La Creencia had a very powerful and clean sound, the material on Ruina De La Penitencia is much more raw with the effort having a much more muffled sound. The songs are in the same vein as the newer material; flamenco-fused dark death metal filled with blast beats, shredding, catchy riffs and snarled vocals. The song writing on this demo is hit and miss, while opening track "La Luz De La Luna Negra" is a catchy tune, the remaining three tracks aren’t quite as powerful as the material on the 2007 demo, it’s still good, but I find myself losing interest midway through.
The release finishes up with 2005’s three track demo entitled
Y Correra Tu Sangre which sees an even further decline in production, with the guitars having a more black metal “bees in a box” tone where the drums often get lost and are barely audible in parts. The material itself is good, but much more simplistic than what the band displayed on the more recent recordings.
While the early work of
Impureza was impressive, it wasn’t compelling enough to get me excited, but the material on El En Desierto De La Creencia is fucking awesome! I’ve heard bands try to use flamenco picking on death metal efforts before with terrible results, but the members of Impureza have both the technical skill to play the material expertly as well as the song writing ability to combine the two vastly different sounds into a truly unique and evil sound.
Even while the material on
Y Correra Tu Sangre and Ruina De La Penitencia isn’t the greatest, the three tracks from El En Desierto De La Creencia more than make up for their shortcomings and I have to admit I’m eager to hear Impureza’s next release. If you’re a fan of dark technical death metal in the vein of Incantation, Nile and Immolation, I promise you’ll go apeshit over Impureza. Inquisition Demos is absolutely worth purchasing just for the first four tracks alone! Great stuff! 



ZAPISNIK Zine (Montenegro)
This tape represent the compilation of all three demos of the French band Impureza previosly released on fucking CD-r on the same label I think.Now its available on D.I.Y tape with nice look in the classical underground way.Impureza is quite interesting and quality band,their death metal is very well produced,performed with enough good skills and very nice ideas.Using of acoustic or as band says flamenco (I dont know for these guitar phrases and Im not to much interested in it...)guitar gives to a music very interesting specific atmosphere and feeling that in the music of Impureza sounds really occult and dark although so called flameco can hardly be linked with occultism.Those mention acoutic fragments fortunately dont ruin their death metal performance that include in it both old and brutal death metal school.I would compare the music of Impureza with great greece occult band Septic Flesh but Impureza have more death metal sound and their music is more drowned into the old school.I really like this tape that include 10 songs that Impureza have record from the 2005 till 2007 year as also cover and whole look.Interesting fact is that this band although it comes from the French territory sing in the Spanish language mostly and I must say that to the atmosphere and sound of this band this language really fit...Some parts when vocals are quite recognizible and plain sound like some occultistic ritual invocations.Very dark parts im my opinion and ones that give to the Impureza music one dimention more...Their first demo titled ″Y Correra Tu Sangre″ was recorded in 2005 and it include 3 songs,the second one ″Ruina de la Penitencia″ was recorded in 2006 and on it there was 4 songs till on the last one recorded in the 2007 titled ″En el Desierto de la Creencia″ was three songs..On all three demos their sound is similiar although on the last one sound is the better and as normaly production also.Interesting band and interesting tape that I would reccomend to all ones that search for some quality release.This one can give to you some days to enjoy and someone can found in this band something that will follow in future.As all other releases of D.I.Y label Nihilistic Holocaust this one is also very well distributed through whole world so I think that isnt to much hard to find this tape...Or if you are lazy down is written contact of the label and band so try with them....G will surely reply.I know that.


Nous entrons dans le domaine glauque et puant le chorizo faisandé de IMPUREZA. Le death pratiqué est varié et assez technique. Alternant partie rapide et d’autres plus lentes, les enchaînements se font sans heurts. Il y a aussi des petites parties  latinos qui permettent  à IMPUREZA de dire qu’ils font du Flamenco death metal. Au delà de ça , je trouve pas grand chose de flamenco la dedans.   Par contre, leur death est vraiment bon, agressif mais sans blast continu, technique mais sans démonstration abusive, les vocaux sont death sans tomber dans le grouik à outrance. Pour conclure, je dirai que c’est tout simplement une excellente démo de death avec un bon son. Une acquisition à faire pour se dorer la pillule sur les plages du nord en se croyant à Ibiza sous les bombes.